
114 lines
4.6 KiB

description: "No automation from live stream software? No problem! Manually updated progress bars can still look awesome!"
featured_image: "/images/bg_dots_blurple.jpg"
# Use for free
<div style="text-align: left;">
<form class="black-80 sans-serif" onsubmit="return false;">
<label for="session_token" class="f6 b db mb1 mt3 sans-serif mid-gray">
Session token
<input id="session_token" type="text" class="w-100 f5 pv3 ph3 bg-light-gray bn">
<div class="requirements f6 gray glow i ph3 overflow-hidden">
Paste some code here to join someone's else work.
<div class="requirements f6 gray glow i ph3 overflow-hidden">
Automatically generated.
<div class="requirements f6 gray glow i ph3 overflow-hidden">
Automatically saved. (in your browser)
<div class="w-100" style="text-align: right;">
<input class="w-40 mv2 white pa3 bn hover-shadow hover-bg-black bg-animate bg-black" type="button" value="Generate another" onclick="generate_another();">
## Display Page
<form class="black-80 sans-serif" style="text-align: center;" onsubmit="return false;">
<input id="url_0" type="text" class="w-90 f5 pv3 ph3 bg-light-gray bn" readonly>
<input class="w-40 mv2 white pa3 bn hover-shadow hover-bg-black bg-animate bg-black" type="button" value="Link to clipboard" onclick="copyClipboard(url_0);">
<input class="w-40 mv2 white pa3 bn hover-shadow hover-bg-black bg-animate bg-black" type="button" value="Open in new tab" onclick="openTab(url_0);">
<div class="requirements f6 gray glow i ph3 overflow-hidden">
This goes into OBS, XSplit, CasparCG, etc.
## Control Panel
<form class="black-80 sans-serif" style="text-align: center;" onsubmit="return false;">
<input id="url_1" type="text" class="w-90 f5 pv3 ph3 bg-light-gray bn" readonly>
<input class="w-40 mv2 white pa3 bn hover-shadow hover-bg-black bg-animate bg-black" type="button" value="Link to clipboard" onclick="copyClipboard(url_1);">
<input class="w-40 mv2 white pa3 bn hover-shadow hover-bg-black bg-animate bg-black" type="button" value="Open in new tab" onclick="openTab(url_1);">
<div class="requirements f6 gray glow i ph3 overflow-hidden">
This controls what gets displayed in your stream
## Operator Panel
<form class="black-80 sans-serif" style="text-align: center;" onsubmit="return false;">
<input id="url_2" type="text" class="w-90 f5 pv3 ph3 bg-light-gray bn" readonly>
<input class="w-40 mv2 white pa3 bn hover-shadow hover-bg-black bg-animate bg-black" type="button" value="Link to clipboard" onclick="copyClipboard(url_2);">
<input class="w-40 mv2 white pa3 bn hover-shadow hover-bg-black bg-animate bg-black" type="button" value="Open in new tab" onclick="openTab(url_2);">
<div class="requirements f6 gray glow i ph3 overflow-hidden">
This allows you to distribute a workload with people working in your stream
input[type=button] {
cursor: pointer;
function uuidv4() { //
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => {
var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
return v.toString(16);
function save_changed_session_token() {
localStorage.setItem('last_session', session_token.value);
var displayUrl = `${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname}/display/#${session_token.value}`;
displayUrl = displayUrl.replace('://', ':///').replace(/\/\//g, '/');
url_0.value = displayUrl;
var controlUrl = `${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname}/control/#${session_token.value}`;
controlUrl = controlUrl.replace('://', ':///').replace(/\/\//g, '/');
url_1.value = controlUrl;
var operatorUrl = `${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname}/operator/#${session_token.value}`;
operatorUrl = operatorUrl.replace('://', ':///').replace(/\/\//g, '/');
url_2.value = operatorUrl;
session_token.onkeyup = save_changed_session_token;
session_token.onkeydown = save_changed_session_token;
session_token.onchange = save_changed_session_token;
session_token.value = localStorage.getItem('last_session') || uuidv4();
function generate_another() {
session_token.value = uuidv4();
function copyClipboard(linkElem) {;
linkElem.setSelectionRange(0, 999999);
function openTab(linkElem) {, '_blank');