Adler Neves adler
  • Serra, ES, Brasil
  • This gay dragon furry otherkin with a bachelor's degree in Information Systems believes good successful software solves a user problem and enables more software to be built on top of it with reduced cognitive effort and minimum maintenance.

  • Joined on 2020-08-29
Updated 2018-03-26 23:49:12 +00:00
Updated 2018-03-26 23:37:21 +00:00
Updated 2018-01-07 03:30:10 +00:00
Updated 2018-01-07 03:25:37 +00:00
Updated 2018-01-07 03:24:38 +00:00
Updated 2018-01-07 03:23:46 +00:00
Updated 2018-01-07 03:19:03 +00:00
Updated 2018-01-07 03:17:54 +00:00
Updated 2018-01-07 03:16:48 +00:00
Updated 2018-01-07 03:15:52 +00:00
Updated 2018-01-07 03:15:25 +00:00
Updated 2018-01-07 03:14:54 +00:00
Updated 2018-01-07 03:13:45 +00:00