Unchecked: The one who is not logged in while seeing the statistics page will see only a simple message saying that he/she/it is not allowed to see site's statistics.
Checked: The one who is not logged in while seeing the statistics page will be invited to join by a big button.]]>
Leave it in blank and it won't work.]]> 0 = The user is free to flood your server.
30 = half minute
60 = 1 minute
120 = 2 minutes
180 = 3 minutes
240 = 4 minutes
300 = 5 minutes]]>
300 = 5 minutes
600 = 10 minutes
900 = 15 minutes
1800 = 30 minutes
3600 = 1 hour
7200 = 2 hours]]>
Leave it in blank to show everything.]]>
{xen:phrase forum_statistics}]]> ]]> {xen:phrase search_profile_contents} ]]> {xen:phrase notable_members}]]> {xen:phrase notable_members}
  • {xen:phrase search_profile_contents}
  • ]]>
    {xen:phrase new_profile_posts}]]> {xen:phrase new_profile_posts}
  • {xen:phrase search_profile_contents}
  • ]]>