#------------------------------------------------- # # Project created by QtCreator 2015-03-20T14:47:24 # #------------------------------------------------- #win32api must be downloaded from MinGW's SourceForge repository. #OpenCV must be compiled from source with MinGW QT += core gui greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets TARGET = CPP-QtCreator TEMPLATE = app INCLUDEPATH += D:\\opencv\\MINGW32\\include LIBS += -LD:\\opencv\\MINGW32\\x86\\mingw\\bin \ libopencv_core2410 \ libopencv_highgui2410 \ libopencv_imgproc2410 \ libopencv_features2d2410 \ libopencv_calib3d2410 \ #CONFIG += link_pkgconfig #PKGCONFIG += opencv SOURCES += main.cpp\ mainwindow.cpp \ about.cpp \ notimplemented.cpp \ selectsomething.cpp \ rocvl.cpp \ rlgpl.cpp \ core/core.cpp \ errormsgafterfailure.cpp \ core/core.os.cpp \ core/disp.x11.cpp \ core/disp.win32.cpp HEADERS += mainwindow.h \ about.h \ notimplemented.h \ selectsomething.h \ rocvl.h \ rlgpl.h \ errormsgafterfailure.h \ core/core.h FORMS += mainwindow.ui \ about.ui \ notimplemented.ui \ selectsomething.ui \ rocvl.ui \ rlgpl.ui \ errormsgafterfailure.ui OTHER_FILES +=