mirror of https://github.com/adlerosn/rede-especificacoes-tecnicas-em-redes synced 2024-07-05 17:00:12 +00:00
2019-03-12 14:15:42 -03:00

206 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import json
import msgpack
from pathlib import Path
import spacy
from spacy import displacy
import en_core_web_lg
import en_vectors_web_lg
import en_coref_lg
from .documents import fromFile as DocumentFromFile
from .documents import fromExtension as DocumentParserFromExtension
from .string_enumerator import StringListEnumerator
from .corpora import Corpus
def wrap_token(token, enums, vecDoc):
wrapped = {
'text': enums['words'][str(token.text)],
'index': token.i,
'parent': token.head.i,
'is_root': token.i == token.head.i,
'ent_type': enums['enttype'][token.ent_type_],
'ent_iob': enums['entiob'][token.ent_iob_],
'lemma': enums['lemma'][token.lemma_],
'norm': enums['norm'][token.norm_],
'pos': enums['posgen'][token.pos_],
'tag': enums['posspc'][token.tag_],
'is_oov': token.is_oov,
'prob': token.prob,
'sentiment': token.sentiment,
'vector': None if not vecDoc[token.i].has_vector else vecDoc[token.i].vector.tolist(),
return wrapped
def wrap_noun_chunk(noun_chunk, vecDoc):
vi = vecDoc[noun_chunk[0].i: noun_chunk[-1].i+1]
nc = {
'token_range': list(range(noun_chunk[0].i, noun_chunk[-1].i+1)),
'vector': None if not vi.has_vector else vi.vector.tolist(),
'sentiment': vi.sentiment,
return nc
def create_enums():
return {
'words': StringListEnumerator(),
'lemma': StringListEnumerator(),
'norm': StringListEnumerator(),
'enttype': StringListEnumerator(),
'entiob': StringListEnumerator(),
'posgen': StringListEnumerator(),
'posspc': StringListEnumerator(),
'correfcluster': StringListEnumerator(),
def process_files(files=list()):
if len(files) <= 0:
print('There are %d files to process.' % (len(files),), file=sys.stderr)
print('Loading libraries...', file=sys.stderr)
nlp = en_core_web_lg.load()
vec = en_vectors_web_lg.load()
crf = en_coref_lg.load()
for seq, file in enumerate(files):
print("[%02d of %02d] %s" % (seq+1, len(files), str(file)), file=sys.stderr)
print('Loading the document...', file=sys.stderr)
pdfDocument = DocumentFromFile(str(file)).parse(' ')
print('Processing document...', file=sys.stderr)
nlpDoc = nlp(pdfDocument)
vecDoc = vec(pdfDocument)
crfDoc = crf(pdfDocument)
print('Converting results...', file=sys.stderr)
enums = create_enums()
text = {
'source': str(file),
'tokens': list(),
'vector': None,
'sentiment': 0.0,
'sentences': list(),
'noun_chunks': list(),
'coref_cluster': list(),
for token in nlpDoc:
text['tokens'].append(wrap_token(token, enums, vecDoc))
text['vector'] = None if not vecDoc.has_vector else vecDoc.vector.tolist(),
text['sentiment'] = nlpDoc.sentiment
for noun_chunk in nlpDoc.noun_chunks:
text['noun_chunks'].append(wrap_noun_chunk(noun_chunk, vecDoc))
for coref_cluster in crfDoc._.coref_clusters:
'main': list(range(coref_cluster.main[0].i, coref_cluster.main[-1].i+1)),
'mentions': [list(range(mention[0].i, mention[-1].i+1)) for mention in coref_cluster.mentions],
for sentence in nlpDoc.sents:
nlpSentTokens = list(sentence)
vecSentTokens = vecDoc[nlpSentTokens[0].i:nlpSentTokens[-1].i+1]
wrapped = {
'tokens': [token.i for token in sentence],
'vector': None if not vecSentTokens.has_vector else vecSentTokens.vector.tolist(),
'sentiment': sentence.sentiment,
'noun_chunks': list(),
'coref_cluster': list()
for noun_chunk in sentence.noun_chunks:
wnc = wrap_noun_chunk(noun_chunk, vecDoc)
for ndx, known in enumerate(text['noun_chunks']):
if wnc == known:
sentRange = set(range(nlpSentTokens[0].i, nlpSentTokens[-1].i+1))
for ndx, coref_cluster in enumerate(text['coref_cluster']):
for mention in coref_cluster['mentions']:
if len(sentRange.intersection(mention)) > 0:
print('Outputting results...', file=sys.stderr)
'enums': dict([(k, v.as_tuple) for k, v in enums.items()]),
'compressed': text,
del nlp
del vec
del crf
def get_pending_files(directory='corpus'):
pending_files = list()
parseable_files = list()
for document in Path(directory).rglob('*'):
if document.is_file():
if DocumentParserFromExtension(document.suffix.lstrip('.')) is not None:
for parseable in parseable_files:
nlp = Path(str(parseable)+'.nlp')
if not nlp.exists() or not nlp.is_file() or nlp.stat().st_mtime <= parseable.stat().st_mtime:
return pending_files
def get_corpus_cached(directory='corpus'):
files = sorted(list(filter(lambda a: a.is_file(), Path(directory).rglob('*.nlp'))))
time_stamps = dict(map(lambda a: (str(a), round(a.stat().st_mtime)), files))
nlpinfo = Path(directory+'.nlpinfo')
nlpcache = Path(directory+'.nlpcache')
if not nlpinfo.exists() or time_stamps != json.loads(nlpinfo.read_text()) or not nlpcache.exists():
aggregated = aggregate_nlp_caches(list(map(lambda a: json.loads(a.read_text()), files)))
del aggregated
return json.loads(nlpcache.read_text())
def aggregate_nlp_caches(individual_caches):
corpus = {
'documents': list(),
'enums': create_enums(),
token_reenum_pairs = (
('text', 'words'),
('ent_type', 'enttype'),
('ent_iob', 'entiob'),
('lemma', 'lemma'),
('norm', 'norm'),
('pos', 'posgen'),
('tag', 'posspc'),
for cache in individual_caches:
cached_enums = dict(map(lambda a: (a[0], StringListEnumerator(a[1])), cache['enums'].items()))
reenumerators = dict()
for k, v in corpus['enums'].items():
reenumerators[k] = v.merge(cached_enums[k])
cacheddata = cache['compressed']
for token in cacheddata['tokens']:
for tk, rn in token_reenum_pairs:
token[tk] = reenumerators[rn][token[tk]]
corpus['enums'] = dict(map(lambda a: (a[0], a[1].as_list), corpus['enums'].items()))
return corpus
def main():
print('Knowledge Base Creator v0.1', file=sys.stderr)
print('Reading cached corpus...', file=sys.stderr)
corpus = get_corpus_cached()
print('Deserializing corpus...', file=sys.stderr)
corpus = Corpus(corpus)
print('Corpus is ready.', file=sys.stderr)
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
print('Preparing search...', file=sys.stderr)
_, left_op, right_op, *_ = sys.argv
paths = corpus.find_knowledge_source(left_op, right_op)
print('Printing matches between %r and %r...' % (left_op, right_op), file=sys.stderr)
for match in paths: