mirror of https://github.com/adlerosn/rede-especificacoes-tecnicas-em-redes synced 2024-07-08 18:20:13 +00:00
2019-05-13 22:01:21 -03:00

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from os import linesep as eol
from pathlib import Path
import json
import re
toc_line_regex = re.compile(r'.+(\s*?[\.]){6,}\s*\d+')
toc_line_parsing_regex = re.compile(r'^\s*?((?:(?:[^\s\.]+?)(?:[\s\.])?)+?)[-\s]+(.*?)(?:\s*\.)+\s+([\divxdcm]+)$', re.I | re.M | re.S)
def get_possible_header_from_text(ll):
if len(ll) <= 0:
return "", ""
return ll[0].strip(), ll[1:]
def get_possible_header(ll):
return get_possible_header_from_text(ll)[0]
def get_possible_footer_from_text(ll):
if len(ll) <= 0:
return "", ""
return ll[-1].strip(), ll[:-1]
def get_possible_footer(ll):
return get_possible_footer_from_text(ll)[0]
def get_middle_sample(dp):
return dp[1*(len(dp)//4): 3*(len(dp)//4)]
def find_header_footer_ignorable_part(samples, not_found=""):
if len(samples) <= 0:
return not_found
intersection = set(samples[0].split())
for sample in samples:
if len(intersection) == 0:
return not_found
part_ranges = list(zip(*[(i[0], i[0]+i[1]) for i in [(samples[0].find(part), len(part)) for part in intersection]]))
ignoreable = samples[0][min(part_ranges[0]):max(part_ranges[1])]
for sample in samples:
if ignoreable not in sample:
return not_found
return ignoreable
def strip_empty_lines(page):
start = 0
stop = len(page)
for i, line in enumerate(page):
if line.strip() == '':
start = i
for i, line in reversed(list(enumerate(page))):
if line.strip() == '':
stop = i+1
return page[start:stop]
def cleanup_page_from_header_and_footer(pages, ignorable_header, ignorable_footer):
cleaned = list()
for brute_page in pages:
useful_header = ""
useful_footer = ""
page = brute_page
if ignorable_header != "":
pntp, ptp = get_possible_header_from_text(page)
if ignorable_header in pntp:
useful_header = pntp.replace(ignorable_footer, "").strip()
page = ptp
if ignorable_footer != "":
pntp, ptp = get_possible_footer_from_text(page)
if ignorable_footer in pntp:
useful_footer = pntp.replace(ignorable_footer, "").strip()
page = ptp
page = strip_empty_lines(page)
cleaned.append((page, useful_header, useful_footer))
return cleaned
def parse_toc(pages):
toc = list()
return toc # No one will miss the table of contents that never returned because instruction pointer got stuck in an infinite loop regex
for page in pages:
page_content = '\n'.join(page[0]).split('\n'*3)[0]
while page_content.startswith(' '*20):
page_content = '\n'.join(page_content.splitlines()[1:])
for match in toc_line_parsing_regex.finditer(page_content):
' '.join(match[2].replace('\n', ' ').split()).strip(),
return toc
def get_textual_part_default(pages):
return (pages, list())
def get_textual_part_handling_toc(pages, toc_page):
current_page = toc_page
current_page += 1
if current_page >= len(pages):
return None
toc_pages = pages[toc_page: current_page]
textual_part = pages[current_page:]
return (textual_part, parse_toc(toc_pages))
def get_textual_part_from_header_and_footer(pages):
return (list(filter(lambda a: (a[1].strip().isdigit() or a[2].strip().isdigit()), pages)), list())
def get_textual_part(pages, has_header, has_footer, toc_names):
for i, page in enumerate(pages):
possible_title = get_possible_header(page[0])
if possible_title.strip().lower() in toc_names:
option = get_textual_part_handling_toc(pages, i)
if option is None:
return option
if has_header or has_footer:
return get_textual_part_from_header_and_footer(pages)
return get_textual_part_default(pages)
def fix_paragraphs(lines):
fixed = list()
buff = ''
for line in lines+[None]:
if line is None:
if len(buff) <= 0:
fixed.append(buff+'.' if not (buff.endswith('.') or buff.endswith(';') or buff.endswith(':')) else buff)
buff = ''
elif len(line.strip()) <= 0:
if len(buff) > 0:
fixed.append(buff+'.' if not (buff.endswith('.') or buff.endswith(';') or buff.endswith(':')) else buff)
buff = ''
ls = line.strip()
if buff.endswith('-'):
buff = buff+ls
elif len(buff) >= 2 and buff[-2].isdigit() and buff[-1] == ')':
buff += ' '+ls
elif len(ls) >= 2 and (ls[0].islower() or (ls[0].isupper() and ls[1].isupper())) and ls[0].isalpha() and (ls[1].isalpha() or ls[1].isspace()):
buff += ' '+ls
if len(buff) > 0:
fixed.append(buff+'.' if not (buff.endswith('.') or buff.endswith(';') or buff.endswith(':')) else buff)
buff = ls
return [' '.join(ln.split()) for ln in fixed]
class Document(object):
def _opens(cls):
return []
def _set_document_pages(self, pages):
self._document_pages = pages
def __init__(self):
# self.has_cover = True
# self.has_cover_sheet = True
self.detect_number_on_first_page = True
# self.has_pretextual_elements = True
# self.entities_to_find = ['table', 'figure', 'image', 'chart']
self.toc_names = ['contents', 'index', 'table of contents']
# self.has_header = False
# self.has_footer = True
# self.has_tables = True
def parse(self, cst_eol=eol):
pages = list(map(str.splitlines, self._document_pages))
sample_pages = get_middle_sample(pages)
ignorable_header = find_header_footer_ignorable_part(list(map(get_possible_header, sample_pages)))
ignorable_footer = find_header_footer_ignorable_part(list(map(get_possible_footer, sample_pages)))
del sample_pages
cleaned_pages = list(
filter(lambda a: len(a[0]) > 0,
map(lambda a: (a[1][0], a[1][1], a[1][2], a[0]),
enumerate(cleanup_page_from_header_and_footer(pages, ignorable_header, ignorable_footer))
textual_part = get_textual_part(cleaned_pages, ignorable_header != "", ignorable_footer != "", self.toc_names)
del ignorable_header
del ignorable_footer
del cleaned_pages
joined_paragraphs = fix_paragraphs(eol.join(map(lambda a: eol.join(a[0]), textual_part[0])).splitlines())
if cst_eol is None:
return joined_paragraphs
return cst_eol.join(joined_paragraphs)
# for part in textual_part:
# print(part)
# print(cleaned_page_contents)
# print(sample_pages)
def parsed_from_cache(self, cachekey: str, cst_eol: str = eol):
cached = None
cached_disk = Path('plaincache', cachekey)
if cached_disk.exists():
cached = json.loads(cached_disk.read_text())
cached = self.parse(None)
cached_disk.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return cst_eol.join(cached)