
433 lines
16 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
import json
import pickle
import datetime
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Optional
from pathlib import Path
from slugify import slugify
from ..downloader import BeautifulSoup
from ..downloader import simpleDownloader
classes = dict()
rgx_itu = re.compile(r"""((?:ITU-\w)|(?:CCITT))(?: Recommendation)? ([A-Z]+\.[-\d\.]+)(?: \(((?:\d{2}\/)?\d{4})\))?""")
rgx_iso = re.compile(r"""(ISO(?:\/EC)?(?:\/IEC)?(?:\/IEEE)?)(?: (T?R?))? ([\d+-\.]+)(?::(\d+))?""")
rgx_rfc = re.compile(r"""(RFC)(?:\ |\.|-|_)?([0-9]+)""")
rgx_itu_fix = re.compile(r"""(\w\.[-\d\.]+)(?:-)(\d{4})""")
status_itu_text2code = {
'In force': 0,
'Superseded': 1,
'Withdrawn': 2,
'Unknown': 3,
status_itu_code2text = dict(map(lambda a: a[::-1], status_itu_text2code.items()))
def expand_year(yr):
yr = int(yr)
if yr < 100:
if yr > int(str(datetime.datetime.now().year)[-2:]):
return str(int(str(datetime.datetime.now().year)[:-2])-1)+("%02d" % yr)
return str(datetime.datetime.now().year)[:-2]+("%02d" % yr)
return str(yr)
def int_safe(val: str, default: int) -> int:
return int(val)
except BaseException:
return default
class OnlineStandard(object):
cachedir = Path('cache', 'online_standard')
def __init__(self, identifier: str, revision: Optional[str] = None, citing_date: Optional[str] = None):
self._identifier: str = identifier
self._revision: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None
self._citing_date: Tuple[int, int] = (sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize)
if citing_date is not None:
yr, mo, *_ = (citing_date+'-99-99').split('-')
yr = expand_year(yr)
mo = int(mo)
self._citing_date = (yr, mo)
if revision is not None:
yr, mo, *_ = (revision+'-99-99').split('-')
yr = expand_year(yr)
mo = int(mo)
self._revision = (yr, mo)
def download_all(self) -> Dict[str, bytes]: pass
def cached_all(self) -> Dict[str, Path]: pass
def cached(self) -> Optional[Path]: pass
def is_cached(self) -> bool: return False
def slowness(self) -> int: return 0
def context(self, path: Path) -> Dict[str, str]: return dict()
def is_in_force(self, path: Optional[Path] = None) -> bool: return False
def publication_date(self, path: Optional[Path] = None) -> Optional[str]: return None
def whithout_temporal_context(self): return type(self)(self._identifier)
def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {self._identifier}"
class RFCStandard(OnlineStandard):
cachedir = Path('cache', 'rfc')
def download_all(self) -> Dict[str, bytes]:
link = f"https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc{self._identifier}.txt"
return {'latest': simpleDownloader.getUrlBytes(link)}
def cached_all(self) -> Dict[str, Path]:
type(self).cachedir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
cached_all = type(self).cachedir.joinpath(self._identifier+'.txt')
if not cached_all.exists():
data = self.download_all()['latest']
cached_all.write_bytes(b'' if data is None else data)
return {'latest': cached_all}
def is_cached(self) -> bool:
cached_all = type(self).cachedir.joinpath(self._identifier+'.txt')
return cached_all.exists()
def slowness(self) -> int: return 1
def cached(self) -> Optional[Path]:
return self.cached_all().get('latest')
def __str__(self): return f"RFC {self._identifier}"
class ITURecommendation(OnlineStandard):
cachedir = Path('cache', 'itu')
langorder = ('en', 'fr', 'es', 'ar', 'ru', 'ch')
extorder = ('pdf', 'doc', 'epub', 'zip', 'doc.zip')
def download_all(self) -> Dict[str, bytes]:
for rectype in ['T', 'R']:
d = dict()
bt_documents = simpleDownloader.getUrlBytes(f"https://www.itu.int/rec/{rectype}-REC-{self._identifier}/en")
if bt_documents is None or len(bt_documents) <= 0:
bs_documents = BeautifulSoup(bt_documents)
for match in bs_documents.select('tr'):
if match.find('a', href=True) is not None and match.find('table') is None:
if match.find('a')['href'].startswith('./recommendation.asp?lang=en'):
pdflinkrel = match.find('a')['href'][2:]
pdfpage = f"https://www.itu.int/rec/{rectype}-REC-{self._identifier}/{pdflinkrel}"
brute_year = match.find('a').text.strip().split('(', 1)[-1].split(')', 1)[0].split('/')[-1]
brute_month = match.find('a').text.strip().split('(', 1)[-1].split(')', 1)[0].split('/')[0]
mo, yr = None, None
mo, yr = "%02d" % int(brute_month), expand_year(brute_year)
except ValueError:
dts = pdflinkrel.split('-')[-2]
mo, yr = dts[4:6], dts[0:4]
st = str(status_itu_text2code.get(match.findAll('td')[-1].text.strip(), 3))
bs_pdfpage = BeautifulSoup(simpleDownloader.getUrlBytes(pdfpage))
lng_prev = ''
for table in bs_pdfpage.findAll('table', width=True):
if 'Access : Freely available items' not in table.strings:
if 'Publications' in table.strings or 'Status : ' in table.strings:
for download_allline in table.find('table').findAll('tr'):
if download_allline.find('a', href=True) is None:
if 'bytes' not in download_allline.findAll('td')[2].text:
lng = download_allline.findAll('td')[0].text.strip().rstrip(':').rstrip().lower()[:2]
if len(lng) == 0:
lng = lng_prev
lng_prev = lng
dwn = download_allline.find('a', href=True)['href']
ammed = dwn.split('!', 2)[1]
type = dwn.split('!', 2)[2].split('&', 1)[0].split('-', 1)[0].lower()
ext = ({
'pdf': 'pdf',
'msw': 'doc',
'zwd': 'doc.zip',
'soft': 'zip',
'soft1': 'zip',
'zpf': 'zip',
'epb': 'epub',
# d['_'.join([yr, mo, st, lng])+'.'+ext] = simpleDownloader.getUrlBytes(dwn)
d['_'.join([yr, mo, st, lng])+'.'+ammed+'.'+ext] = simpleDownloader.getUrlBytes(dwn)
return d
return dict()
def cached_all(self) -> Dict[str, Path]:
outdir = type(self).cachedir.joinpath(self._identifier)
outdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
cached_all = outdir.joinpath('complete.flag')
if not cached_all.exists():
for file, content in self.download_all().items():
out = dict()
for file in outdir.glob('*'):
if not file.is_file() or file.name == cached_all.name:
out[file.name] = file
return out
def cached(self) -> Optional[Path]:
all_cached = self.cached_all()
candidates = sorted(
(int(it[0]), int(it[1]), it[2], it[3], it[4], it[5])
for it in [
*it.name.split('.', 1)[0].split('_'),
it.name.split('.', 2)[1],
it.name.split('.', 2)[2],
for it in all_cached.values()
key=lambda a: (
done = False
if self._revision is not None:
yr = self._revision[0]
mo = self._revision[1]
filtered = list(filter(
lambda cand: (int(cand[0]) == int(yr)) if (int(mo) > 12) else (int(cand[0]) == int(yr) and int(cand[1]) == int(mo)),
if len(filtered) > 0:
candidates = filtered
done = True
if self._citing_date is not None and not done:
yr = self._citing_date[0]
mo = self._citing_date[1]
filtered = list(filter(
lambda cand: (int(cand[0]), int(cand[1])) <= (int(yr), int(mo)),
if len(filtered) > 0:
candidates = filtered
if len(candidates) == 0:
return None
return all_cached['%02d_%02d_%s_%s.%s.%s' % candidates[0]]
def is_cached(self) -> bool:
outdir = type(self).cachedir.joinpath(self._identifier)
cached_all = outdir.joinpath('complete.flag')
return cached_all.exists()
def slowness(self) -> int: return 9
def context(self, path: Path) -> Dict[str, str]:
return {'citing_date': '-'.join(path.name.split('_', 2)[:2])}
def is_in_force(self, path: Optional[Path] = None) -> bool:
if path is not None:
return path.name.split('_')[2] == '0'
return False
def publication_date(self, path: Optional[Path] = None) -> Optional[str]:
if path is not None:
return '-'.join(path.name.split('_', 2)[:2])
return None
def __str__(self): return f"ITU {self._identifier}"
class ISOStandard(OnlineStandard):
cachedir = Path('cache', 'iso')
def __str__(self): return f"ISO {self._identifier}"
def __download_index(self, redownload=False):
indexfile = self.cachedir.joinpath('__index.json')
indexfile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if not indexfile.exists() or redownload:
documents = list()
bs = BeautifulSoup(simpleDownloader.getUrlBytes(
for row in bs.select("table#pas tbody tr"):
(stdcell, edcell, titlecell, committeecell) = row.select("td")
(stdnm, ednm, titlenm, committeenm) = [
' '.join(i.text.strip().split())
for i in (stdcell, edcell, titlecell, committeecell)
if stdnm == 'ISO/IEC 2382:2015':
continue # won't parse a JS-heavy HTML5 page
stdlink = None
stdlink = stdcell.find('a', href=True)['href']
except TypeError:
if stdlink.startswith('ittf/'):
stdlink = '/'+stdlink
if stdlink.startswith('/ittf/'):
stdlink = 'https://standards.iso.org'+stdlink
if stdlink in [
'https://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/c064801_ ISO_IEC_19395_2015.zip',
continue # returns 404 and never downloads
'url': stdlink,
'standard': stdnm,
'edition': ednm,
'title': titlenm,
'committee': committeenm,
indexfile.write_text(json.dumps(documents, indent=2))
return indexfile
def _index(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
return json.loads(self.__download_index().read_text())
def _index_entry(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
filtered = [i for i in self._index if self._identifier in i['standard']]
if len(filtered) <= 0:
return None
filtered = sorted(
key=lambda i: (
-int_safe(''.join([x for x in i['edition'] if x in '0123456789']), 0)
return filtered[0]
def _index_fn(self) -> Optional[str]:
entry = self._index_entry
return (
slugify(entry['url'].split('/')[-1], ok='-_.', only_ascii=True)
if entry is not None else
def download_all(self) -> Dict[str, bytes]:
d = dict()
entry = self._index_entry
if entry is not None:
fn = self._index_fn
simpleDownloader.setCookie("url_ok", entry['url'][25:])
bts = simpleDownloader.getUrlBytes(entry['url'])
if bts is not None:
d[fn] = bts
return d
def cached_all(self) -> Dict[str, Path]:
d = dict()
entry = self._index_entry
if entry is not None:
fn = self._index_fn
pt = self.cachedir.joinpath(fn)
if pt.exists():
d[fn] = pt
for k, v in self.download_all().items():
pt2 = self.cachedir.joinpath(k)
d[k] = pt2
return d
def cached(self) -> Optional[Path]:
return None if self._index_fn is None else self.cachedir.joinpath(self._index_fn)
def is_cached(self) -> bool:
return False if self._index_fn is None else self.cachedir.joinpath(self._index_fn).exists()
def find_references(file: str, text: str, context: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> List[OnlineStandard]:
cache = Path('graphcache', file)
if cache.exists():
return pickle.loads(cache.read_bytes())
print(f"find_references cachemiss: {file} ", end='')
refs = list()
for match in rgx_itu.finditer(text):
groups = list(match.groups())
rec = groups[1].strip('\t\n -.,')
fixmatch = rgx_itu_fix.match(rec)
if fixmatch is not None:
fixgroups = fixmatch.groups()
groups[1] = fixgroups[0]
groups[2] = fixgroups[1]
rec = groups[1].strip('\t\n -.,')
if '..' in rec or '--' in rec or '.-' in rec or '-.' in rec:
yr = None
mo = None
rev = None
if groups[2] is not None:
yr = expand_year(groups[2].split('/')[-1])
if '/' in groups[2]:
mo = groups[2].split('/')[-2]
if yr is not None:
if mo is not None:
rev = "%04d-%02d" % (int(yr), int(mo))
rev = "%04d" % (int(yr),)
refs.append(ITURecommendation(rec, rev, **context))
for match in rgx_rfc.finditer(text):
rfcno = match.groups()[1]
refs.append(RFCStandard(str(int(rfcno)), **context))
for match in rgx_iso.finditer(text):
groups = match.groups()
nm = groups[2]
yr = None if groups[3] is None else expand_year(groups[3])
nm = nm.strip('\t\n -.,')
if len(nm) == 0:
refs.append(ISOStandard(nm, yr, **context))
print(f"- {len(refs)} found")
if not cache.parent.exists():
cache.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return refs
classes['itu'] = ITURecommendation
classes['rfc'] = RFCStandard
classes['iso'] = ISOStandard
__all__ = [