#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import sys import time import json import tkinter import networkx import traceback import threading from pathlib import Path from graphtools import Dijkstra, graph_from_topo from sortundirectednodepair import _sort_pair from networkx.drawing.layout import spring_layout from networkx.drawing.nx_pylab import draw_networkx from networkx.drawing.nx_pylab import draw_networkx_labels from networkx.drawing.nx_pylab import draw_networkx_nodes from networkx.drawing.nx_pylab import draw_networkx_edges from networkx.drawing.nx_pylab import draw_networkx_edge_labels import matplotlib from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg matplotlib.use("TkAgg") def nx_graph_from_topo(topo): g = networkx.Graph() g.add_nodes_from(topo[0]) g.add_nodes_from(topo[1]) g.add_edges_from([(x, y) for x, y, z in topo[2]]) for h1, h2, bw in topo[2]: g[h1][h2]['bw'] = bw return g def parse_state(s): pathb, loadb = [], [] current = 0 for line in s.splitlines(): if line.startswith('@'): if line.startswith('@start.'): if line.endswith('path'): current = 1 elif line.endswith('load'): current = 2 else: raise ValueError(f"Start of unexpected block: {line}") elif line.startswith('@end'): current = 0 else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected command: {line}") elif current == 1: pathb.append(eval(line)) elif current == 2: loadb.append(eval(line)) loads, path_segments = dict(), dict() for multiplepath in pathb: ws = sum([weight for weight in multiplepath.values()]) for path, weight in multiplepath.items(): for i in range(len(path)-1): path_segments[_sort_pair(*path[i:i+2])] = weight/ws for load in loadb: loads[_sort_pair(load[0], load[1])] = load[2] return pathb, path_segments, loads CLR = {True: 'FF', False: '00'} topos = dict() topoPos = dict() topoDjkt = dict() nxgs = dict() def plot(ax, currentfile): ax.clear() ax.axis('off') if not currentfile.exists(): return toponame = currentfile.read_text().strip() statepath = Path(f'{toponame}.state') if toponame not in topos: topos[toponame] = json.loads(Path(f'{toponame}.json').read_text()) topo = topos[toponame] if toponame not in nxgs: nxgs[toponame] = nx_graph_from_topo(topo) nxg = nxgs[toponame] if toponame not in topoPos: topoPos[toponame] = spring_layout(nxg, iterations=2000) pos = topoPos[toponame] if toponame not in topoDjkt: djkt = Dijkstra(graph_from_topo(topo)) djkt_pairs = list() for h1 in topo[0]: for h2 in topo[0]: if h1 != h2: h1, h2 = _sort_pair(h1, h2) djkt_seq = djkt(h1)(h2)[0] for i in range(len(djkt_seq)-1): djkt_pairs.append(_sort_pair(*djkt_seq[i:i+2])) topoDjkt[toponame] = djkt_pairs djkt = topoDjkt[toponame] state_txt = "" if statepath.exists(): state_txt = statepath.read_text() paths, path_segments, loads = parse_state(state_txt) labels = dict() for unsortededge in nxg.edges: edge = _sort_pair(*list(map(str, unsortededge))) labels[unsortededge] = "%0.4f" % (loads.get(edge, 0.0),) # labels[unsortededge] = repr(loads.get(edge, 0.0),) edlab = draw_networkx_edge_labels( nxg, pos, ax=ax, edge_labels=labels, bbox=dict( facecolor='none', edgecolor='none' ) ) for unsortededge in nxg.edges: edge = _sort_pair(*list(map(str, unsortededge))) in_djkt = edge in djkt in_sgmt = min( 1.0, max( 0.0, path_segments.get( edge, path_segments.get( tuple(reversed(edge)), 0.0 )))) in_sgmt = ('0'+(hex(round(in_sgmt*255))[2:]))[-2:].upper() color = '#'+CLR[in_djkt]+'00'+in_sgmt if in_djkt and in_sgmt: color = 'magenta' draw_networkx_edges( nxg, pos, ax=ax, edgelist=[edge], edge_color=color ) draw_networkx_nodes( nxg, pos, ax=ax, nodelist=topo[0], node_color='lightgreen' ) draw_networkx_nodes( nxg, pos, ax=ax, nodelist=topo[1], node_color='cyan' ) draw_networkx_labels(nxg, pos, ax=ax) continuePlotting = True def to_closing_state(): global continuePlotting continuePlotting = False def show_window(currentfile): root = tkinter.Tk() root.title("Network graph viewer") root.geometry("1000x600") lab = tkinter.Label(root, text="Plotting network") lab.pack() fig = Figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.axis('off') fig.patch.set_facecolor("#D9D9D9") graph = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=root) graph.get_tk_widget().pack(side="top", fill='both', expand=True) b = tkinter.Button(root, text="Update GUI", command=graph.draw) b.pack() def plotter(): while continuePlotting: try: plot(ax, currentfile) b.invoke() except BaseException: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(0.1) def close_cmd(): to_closing_state() root.destroy() thread = threading.Thread(target=plotter) root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", close_cmd) thread.start() root.mainloop() def main(currentfile): show_window(currentfile) if __name__ == "__main__": currentfile = Path(f'~current.state') main(currentfile)