#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import json import pulp import numpy import random import datetime import threading from sortundirectednodepair import _sort_pair from graphtools import Dijkstra, find_all_paths, graph_from_topo from time import sleep from io import StringIO from id2ip import id2ip, ip2id from typing import Any from typing import Union from typing import Tuple from typing import List from typing import Dict from typing import Optional from configparser import ConfigParser from ryu.lib import hub from ryu.base import app_manager from ryu.lib import ofctl_v1_3 from ryu.lib.packet import ether_types from ryu.lib.packet import ethernet from ryu.ofproto import ofproto_v1_3 from ryu.controller.handler import set_ev_cls from ryu.controller.handler import CONFIG_DISPATCHER, MAIN_DISPATCHER, DEAD_DISPATCHER from ryu.controller import ofp_event from ryu.lib.packet import packet from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor NEG_INF = float('-inf') MIN_POSITIVE_FLOAT = numpy.nextafter(0, 1) EMPTY_ITER = iter(list()) SPEED_KILOBIT = 0.001 SPEED_MEGABIT = 1 SPEED_GIGABIT = 1000 SPEED_TERABIT = 1000000 UNLIMITED_BANDWIDTH = 70*SPEED_TERABIT NoneType = type(None) print(f"loading network {sys.argv[2]}", file=sys.stderr) network_topo = '' with open(sys.argv[2]) as f: network_topo = json.loads(f.read()) # ryu uses eventlet, which, on some versions, breaks pathlib's read_text base_net_name = '.'.join(sys.argv[2].split('.')[:-1]) with open('~current.state', 'w') as f: f.write(base_net_name) print(f"reading network configuration variables.ini", file=sys.stderr) network_config = ConfigParser() with open('variables.ini') as f: network_config.read_string(f.read()) m1 = float(network_config['linearalgconst']['m1']) m2 = float(network_config['linearalgconst']['m2']) hop_delay = float(network_config['linearalgconst']['hop_delay']) apa_path_stretch = float(network_config['APA']['path_stretch']) routing_algo = network_config['GENERAL']['algo'] network_graph = graph_from_topo(network_topo) def jsonload_list2tuple(x): if isinstance(x, type(None)) or isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, float) or isinstance(x, str): return x elif isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): return tuple([jsonload_list2tuple(k) for k in x]) elif isinstance(x, dict): return {jsonload_list2tuple(k): jsonload_list2tuple(v) for k, v in x.items()} else: raise ValueError("Input didn't come from a standard JSON") def prepare_pop_pair_alternative_paths_for_availability(graph, hosts): pop_apa = [[None for x in hosts] for y in hosts] for i, h1 in enumerate(hosts): for j, h2 in enumerate(hosts): if pop_apa[i][j] is None: apa = tuple(list(find_all_paths(graph, h1, h2))) pop_apa[i][j] = apa pop_apa[j][i] = apa return pop_apa apacachefile = f"{base_net_name}.apa.json" print( f"checking if APA for {sys.argv[2]} is cached at {apacachefile}", file=sys.stderr) pop_apa_candidates = None if os.path.isfile(apacachefile): print(f"loading APA from {apacachefile}", file=sys.stderr) with open(apacachefile) as f: pop_apa_candidates = jsonload_list2tuple(json.loads(f.read())) else: print(f"calculating APA for {sys.argv[2]}", file=sys.stderr) pop_apa_candidates = prepare_pop_pair_alternative_paths_for_availability( network_graph, network_topo[0] ) print(f"caching APA at {apacachefile}", file=sys.stderr) with open(apacachefile, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(pop_apa_candidates)) class LatencyController: def __init__(self, datapath): super().__init__() self._datapath = datapath self._sw = f"s{self._datapath.id}" l = [ (i, x) for i, x in enumerate(network_topo[2]) if x[0] == self._sw or x[1] == self._sw ] self._l = l self._links = portno_from_list(l) self._flow_xfer = dict() self._flow_speed = dict() self._link_speed = UsageStoreProxyFromFlowDict(self._flow_speed) self._link_rules = usage_store_from_list(l) self._bandwidth = bandwidth_from_list(l) self._ospf = None def connected(self, la): print(f"Switch connected: {self._sw}") print(f"Switch OSPF-fallback loading: {self._sw}") parser = self._datapath.ofproto_parser self._ospf = la.ospf_dijkstra(self._sw) for h in network_topo[0]: ipv4_dst = id2ip(int(h[1:])-1) match_ipv4 = parser.OFPMatch( eth_type=0x0800, ipv4_dst=ipv4_dst ) match_arp = parser.OFPMatch( eth_type=0x0806, arp_tpa=ipv4_dst ) next_hop = self._ospf(h)[0][1] out_port = self._links[(self._sw, next_hop)] actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(out_port)] print(f"{self._sw} --[{out_port}]--> {next_hop} ({ipv4_dst})") self.add_flow(1, match_ipv4, actions) self.add_flow(1, match_arp, actions) print(f"Switch OSPF-fallback loaded: {self._sw}") if routing_algo == 'ecmp': print(f"Switch ECMP setting up: {self._sw}") self._configureECMP(la) print(f"Switch ECMP set up: {self._sw}") def disconnected(self): print(f"Switch disconnected: {self._sw}") def add_flow(self, priority, match, actions, buffer_id=None, idle_timeout=0, hard_timeout=0): ofproto = self._datapath.ofproto parser = self._datapath.ofproto_parser inst = [parser.OFPInstructionActions( ofproto.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS, actions )] additionals = dict() if buffer_id: additionals['buffer_id'] = buffer_id if idle_timeout: additionals['idle_timeout'] = idle_timeout if hard_timeout: additionals['hard_timeout'] = hard_timeout mod = parser.OFPFlowMod(datapath=self._datapath, priority=priority, match=match, instructions=inst, **additionals) self._datapath.send_msg(mod) def _the_other_link_endpoint(self, linktuple): return linktuple[abs(linktuple.index(self._sw)-1)] def _on_stats(self, ev, la: 'LatencyApp'): self._link_rules = usage_store_from_list(self._l) parser = self._datapath.ofproto_parser stats = ev.msg.body allkeys = [] for k in self._link_rules._pairs.keys(): self._link_rules._pairs[k] = 0 for stat in stats: # ltp -> link tuple # ftp -> flow tuple # bc -> byte count # obc -> old byte count action = stat.instructions[0].actions[0] outs = list() if isinstance(action, parser.OFPActionGroup): weight_sum = sum([ bucket.weight for bucket in la.ecmp_group_id_buckets[action.group_id] ]) for bucket in la.ecmp_group_id_buckets[action.group_id]: outs.append(( bucket.actions[0].port, bucket.weight/max(1, weight_sum) )) else: outs.append((action.port, 1)) for out_port, weight in outs: ltps = self._links.reverse_lookup(out_port) if len(ltps) <= 0: continue ltp = ltps[0] nxt = ltp[abs(ltp.index(self._sw)-1)] # measuring link flows self._link_rules[ltp] = 1+self._link_rules[ltp] # measuring load if stat.match['eth_type'] == 0x0800: src = stat.match.get('ipv4_src', '') dst = stat.match['ipv4_dst'] src = f"h{ip2id(src)+1}" dst = f"h{ip2id(dst)+1}" if src == 'h0': src = None key = (src, self._sw, nxt, dst) bc = stat.byte_count obc = self._flow_xfer.get(key, 0) tfd = max(0, bc-obc)*weight # bytes per cycle tfr = ((8*tfd)/la.interval)/10**6 # mbps self._flow_xfer[key] = bc self._flow_speed[key] = tfr allkeys.append(key) for k in (set(self._flow_speed.keys())-set(allkeys)): self._flow_speed[k] = 0 # with parts from # commented by def _configureECMP(self, la: 'LatencyApp'): ofproto = self._datapath.ofproto parser = self._datapath.ofproto_parser for h1p, h1 in enumerate(network_topo[0]): for h2p, h2 in enumerate(network_topo[0]): if h1p != h2p: ips = id2ip(int(h1[1:])-1) ipd = id2ip(int(h2[1:])-1) match = parser.OFPMatch( eth_type=0x0800, ipv4_src=ips, ipv4_dst=ipd ) portouts = list() nexthops = list() for path in pop_apa_candidates[h1p][h2p]: if self._sw not in path: continue if path[0] == h2 and path[-1] == h1: path = list(reversed(path)) nexthop = (path[path.index(self._sw)+1], 1.0) link = (self._sw, nexthop[0]) portout = self._links[link] portouts.append(portout) nexthops.append(nexthop[0]) print(f"({ips}) {self._sw} --{portouts}-> {set(nexthops)} ({ipd})") if len(portouts) <= 0: continue # no output elif len(portouts) == 1: actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(portouts[0])] self.add_flow(7, match, actions) # add simple rule else: all_bws = [x if x is not None else UNLIMITED_BANDWIDTH for x in [ network_topo[2][portout-1][2] for portout in portouts]] sum_all_bws = sum(all_bws) weighted_bws = [bw/sum_all_bws for bw in all_bws] out_ports = list(zip(portouts, weighted_bws)) del weighted_bws del sum_all_bws del portouts tpl = tuple([h1, self._sw, h2]) gnw = False if tpl not in la.ecmp_group_ids: la.ecmp_group_ids[tpl] = len(la.ecmp_group_ids)+1 gnw = True gid = la.ecmp_group_ids[tpl] buckets = [] for port, weight in out_ports: bucket_weight = int(round((1 - weight) * 65535)) bucket_action = [parser.OFPActionOutput(port)] buckets.append( parser.OFPBucket( weight=bucket_weight, watch_port=port, watch_group=ofproto.OFPG_ANY, actions=bucket_action ) ) la.ecmp_group_id_buckets[gid] = buckets req = parser.OFPGroupMod( self._datapath, ofproto.OFPGC_ADD if gnw else ofproto.OFPGC_MODIFY, ofproto.OFPGT_SELECT, gid, buckets ) self._datapath.send_msg(req) # set group actions = [parser.OFPActionGroup(gid)] self.add_flow(7, match, actions) # add rule pass def add_latency_segment(self, ips: str, ipd: str, nxt: str, ignore_routing_algo: bool = False): if (routing_algo not in ['ldr', 'minmax']) and not ignore_routing_algo: return link = (self._sw, nxt) parser = self._datapath.ofproto_parser actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(self._links[link])] match = parser.OFPMatch( eth_type=0x0800, ipv4_src=ips, ipv4_dst=ipd ) self.add_flow(5, match, actions) # hs = f"h{ip2id(ips)+1}" # hd = f"h{ip2id(ipd)+1}" # self._flow_xfer[(hs, hd, nxt)] = 0 def add_weighted_latency(self, la: 'LatencyApp', ips: str, ipd: str, nxts: Dict[str, float]): if len(nxts)<=0: return elif len(nxts)==1: self.add_latency_segment(ips, ipd, list(nxts.keys())[0]) else: ofproto = self._datapath.ofproto parser = self._datapath.ofproto_parser match = parser.OFPMatch( eth_type=0x0800, ipv4_src=ips, ipv4_dst=ipd ) h1 = f"h{ip2id(ips)+1}" h2 = f"h{ip2id(ipd)+1}" out_ports = [ (self._links[(self._sw, nexthop)], weight) for nexthop, weight in nxts.items() ] tpl = tuple([h1, self._sw, h2]) gnw = False if tpl not in la.ecmp_group_ids: la.ecmp_group_ids[tpl] = len(la.ecmp_group_ids)+1 gnw = True gid = la.ecmp_group_ids[tpl] buckets = [] for port, weight in out_ports: bucket_weight = int(round(weight * 65535)) bucket_action = [parser.OFPActionOutput(port)] buckets.append( parser.OFPBucket( weight=bucket_weight, watch_port=port, watch_group=ofproto.OFPG_ANY, actions=bucket_action ) ) la.ecmp_group_id_buckets[gid] = buckets req = parser.OFPGroupMod( self._datapath, ofproto.OFPGC_ADD if gnw else ofproto.OFPGC_MODIFY, ofproto.OFPGT_SELECT, gid, buckets ) self._datapath.send_msg(req) # set group actions = [parser.OFPActionGroup(gid)] self.add_flow(5, match, actions) # add rule @property def simulatable(self): return SimulatableSwitch( self._sw, self._flow_speed.copy(), self._bandwidth.copy() ) class SimulatableSwitch: def __init__(self, sw: str, fs: dict, bw: 'UsageStore'): self._sw = sw self._flow_speed = fs self._bandwidth = bw self._link_speed = UsageStoreProxyFromFlowDict(self._flow_speed) self._reinit() def _reinit(self): self._link_rules = self.get_link_rules() def get_link_rules(self): cnt = UsageStore() for key, bw in self._flow_speed.items(): if bw > 0: k = (key[1], key[2]) cnt[k] = 1+cnt[k] return cnt @property def name(self): return self._sw def copy(self): return type(self)( self._sw, self._flow_speed.copy(), self._bandwidth.copy() ) class SimulatableNetwork: def __init__(self, sws: List[SimulatableSwitch], paths: 'UsageStore'): self.switches: Dict[str, SimulatableSwitch] = { sw._sw: sw for sw in sws } self.max_speed = bandwidth_from_list(enumerate(network_topo[2])) self.paths = paths self._reinit() def _reinit(self): self._flow_speed = DictAggregator( [sw._flow_speed for sw in self.switches.values()] ) self.last_speed = UsageStoreProxyFromCallableIterable( AttrCallableIterable( AttrCallableIterable( self.switches.values, '_link_speed' ), 'as_regular_storage' ), sum ).as_regular_storage self.link_usage = self.max_speed.calculate( self.last_speed.as_regular_storage, lambda maxspeed, lastspeed: ( lastspeed / max(maxspeed, 0.0000000000001) ) ).as_regular_storage self.link_flows = self.get_link_flows() def get_link_flows(self): cnt = UsageStore() for switch in self.switches.values(): for (_, sw, nxt, __), speed in switch._flow_speed.items(): key = (sw, nxt) if switch._bandwidth[key] > 0 and speed > 0: cnt[key] = 1+cnt[key] return cnt def get_routes(self): return self.paths.copy() def get_path(self, h1, h2): return self.paths[(h1, h2)] def copy(self) -> 'SimulatableNetwork': return type(self)( [sw.copy() for sw in self.switches.values()], self.paths.copy() ) def sort_by_max_flow_load(self, seqs): wl = list() for seq in seqs: if not isinstance(seq, WeightedPathAggregate): seq = WeightedPathAggregate({tuple(seq): 1.0}) ml = self.get_max_flow_load(seq) wl.append(( ml, sorted(seq.keys(), key=lambda a: len(a))[0], seq )) return list(map( lambda a: a[2], reversed(sorted(wl)) )) def get_max_flow_load(self, wpa): h1, h2 = _sort_pair(wpa[0], wpa[-1]) ml = 0 if not isinstance(wpa, WeightedPathAggregate): wpa = WeightedPathAggregate({tuple(wpa): 1.0}) for seq, weight in wpa.items(): for i in range(len(seq)-1): link = tuple(seq[i:i+2]) revlink = tuple(list(reversed(link))) ml = max( ml, (( ( self._flow_speed.get(tuple([h1, *link, h2]), 0) / self.max_speed[link] )+( self._flow_speed.get(tuple([h2, *revlink, h1]), 0) / self.max_speed[revlink] ) ))*weight ) return ml def get_max_flow_speed(self, wpa): h1, h2 = _sort_pair(wpa[0], wpa[-1]) if not isinstance(wpa, WeightedPathAggregate): wpa = WeightedPathAggregate({tuple(wpa): 1.0}) ml = 0 for seq, weight in wpa.items(): for i in range(len(seq)-1): link = tuple(seq[i:i+2]) revlink = tuple(list(reversed(link))) ml = max( ml, (( self._flow_speed.get(tuple([h1, *link, h2]), 0) + self._flow_speed.get(tuple([h2, *revlink, h1]), 0) ))*weight ) return ml def get_max_path_load(self, wpa): ml = 0 if not isinstance(wpa, WeightedPathAggregate): wpa = WeightedPathAggregate({tuple(wpa): 1.0}) for seq in wpa.keys(): for i in range(len(seq)-1): link = tuple(seq[i:i+2]) ml = max( ml, self.link_usage[link] ) return ml def with_modified_path(self, newpath): mod = self.copy() oldpath = self.get_path(newpath[0], newpath[-1]) flowspeed = self.get_max_flow_speed(oldpath) # removing old flows for sw in mod.switches.values(): for k in sw._flow_speed.copy().keys(): if ( k[0] in [newpath[0], newpath[-1]] and k[3] in [newpath[0], newpath[-1]] ): del sw._flow_speed[k] # adding new flows if not isinstance(newpath, WeightedPathAggregate): newpath = WeightedPathAggregate({tuple(newpath): 1.0}) for newpath2, weight in newpath.items(): for i in range(1, len(newpath2)-1): ky = newpath2[0], newpath2[i], newpath2[i+1], newpath2[-1] rk = newpath2[-1], newpath2[i-1], newpath2[i], newpath2[0] if ky[1].startswith('s') and ky[1] in mod.switches: mod.switches[ky[1]]._flow_speed[ky] = (weight*flowspeed)/2 if rk[1].startswith('s') and rk[1] in mod.switches: mod.switches[rk[1]]._flow_speed[rk] = (weight*flowspeed)/2 for sw in mod.switches.values(): sw._reinit() self.paths[tuple([newpath[0], newpath[-1]])] = newpath mod._reinit() return mod def copy_normalized(self): net = self.copy() for path in net.get_routes()._pairs.values(): net = net.with_modified_path(path) return net # Gvozdiev et al @ SIGCOMM2018, p. 94 => Algorithm 1 def copy_scaling(self, prev_prediction: Dict[Tuple[str], float], fixed_hedge: float, decay_multiplier: float) -> Tuple['SimulatableNetwork', Dict[Tuple[str], float]]: if prev_prediction is None: prev_prediction = dict() net = self.copy() next_prediction = dict() for sw in net.switches.values(): for idtf, prev_value in sw._flow_speed.items(): scaled_est = prev_value*fixed_hedge if scaled_est > prev_prediction.get(idtf, 0): next_prediction[idtf] = scaled_est else: decay_prediction = prev_prediction.get(idtf, 0) * decay_multiplier next_prediction[idtf] = max(decay_prediction, scaled_est) for sw in net.switches.values(): for idtf in sw._flow_speed.keys(): sw._flow_speed[idtf] = next_prediction[idtf] sw._reinit() net._reinit() return net, next_prediction ppe = ProcessPoolExecutor(1) last_process = None last_process_lock = threading.Lock() class AbstractPathEvaluator: def __init__(self, simulatable_network: SimulatableNetwork, keepdata: Optional[Any]): self._simnet: SimulatableNetwork = simulatable_network self._keepdata = keepdata def __call__(self) -> Tuple['UsageStore', NoneType]: pass class NullPathEvaluator(AbstractPathEvaluator): def __call__(self) -> Tuple['UsageStore', NoneType]: return UsageStore(), None class LDRSinglePathEvaluator(AbstractPathEvaluator): def __call__(self) -> Tuple['UsageStore', NoneType]: return self._figure13(self._simnet.copy()), None # return self._figure12( # self._simnet.link_usage, # self._simnet.link_flows # ) def _figure13(self, net: SimulatableNetwork) -> 'UsageStore': net = net.copy_normalized() _tmp = self._figure12( net.link_usage, net.link_flows ) target = len(_tmp._pairs) changed = UsageStore() newnet = None while len(changed._pairs) < target: aggregate_paths = self._figure12( net.link_usage, net.link_flows ) loaded_paths = net.sort_by_max_flow_load([ *aggregate_paths._pairs.values() ]) most_loaded = None for loaded in loaded_paths: if not changed.contains((loaded[0], loaded[-1])): most_loaded = loaded break if most_loaded is None: break newnet = net.with_modified_path(most_loaded) old_path_for_most_loaded = net.get_path( most_loaded[0], most_loaded[-1]) if ( newnet.get_max_path_load(most_loaded) <= net.get_max_path_load(old_path_for_most_loaded) ): net = newnet changed[(most_loaded[0], most_loaded[-1])] = most_loaded return net.get_routes() def _figure12(self, link_usage, link_flows) -> 'UsageStore': processed = UsageStore() currently_reserved = UsageStore() ospf = Dijkstra(network_graph) l1 = network_topo[0][:] random.shuffle(l1) for h1 in l1: l2 = network_topo[0][:] random.shuffle(l2) for h2 in l2: if h1 != h2 and not processed.contains((h1, h2)): h1p = network_topo[0].index(h1) h2p = network_topo[0].index(h2) ospf_aggregate = ospf(h1)(h2)[0] ospf_delay = sum([ link_usage[ tuple([*ospf_aggregate[i:i+2]]) ] + hop_delay for i in range(len(ospf_aggregate)-1) ]) aggregates = list(pop_apa_candidates[h1p][h2p]) random.shuffle(aggregates) del h1p del h2p min_aggregate = None min_aggregate_val = None min_aggregate_links = list() nalist = list() na = 0 # flows in aggregate omax = 0 # maximum overload for aggregate in aggregates: links = [ _sort_pair(*aggregate[i:i+2]) for i in range(len(aggregate)-1) ] omax2 = 0 for link in links: omax2 = max(omax2, link_usage[link]) if link not in nalist: na += link_flows[link] na += currently_reserved[link] nalist.append(link) pass # fraction of aggregate on path if omax2 > omax: omax = omax2 # del nalist # for aggregate in aggregates: links = [ _sort_pair(*aggregate[i:i+2]) for i in range(len(aggregate)-1) ] eps2 = 0 xap = 1 for link in links: dp = link_usage[link]+hop_delay pass # path delay eps2 += xap*(dp+((dp*m1)/ospf_delay)) exp0 = m2*omax eps3 = 0 eps3 += sum([link_usage[link] for link in links]) aggregate_val = na*eps2+exp0+eps3 if ( min_aggregate_val is None or min_aggregate_val > aggregate_val ): min_aggregate_val = aggregate_val min_aggregate = aggregate min_aggregate_links = links processed[(h1, h2)] = min_aggregate for link in min_aggregate_links: currently_reserved[link] = 1+currently_reserved[link] return processed class LDRPathEvaluator(AbstractPathEvaluator): def __call__(self) -> Tuple['UsageStore', NoneType]: net, kd = self._simnet.copy_scaling(self._keepdata, 1.1, 0.98) return self._figure12(net.copy()), kd def _figure13(self, net: SimulatableNetwork) -> 'UsageStore': net = net.copy_normalized() _tmp = self._figure12(net.copy()) target = len(_tmp._pairs) changed = UsageStore() newnet = None while len(changed._pairs) < target: aggregate_paths = self._figure12(net.copy()) loaded_paths = net.sort_by_max_flow_load([ *aggregate_paths._pairs.values() ]) most_loaded = None for loaded in loaded_paths: if not changed.contains((loaded[0], loaded[-1])): most_loaded = loaded break if most_loaded is None: break newnet = net.with_modified_path(most_loaded) old_path_for_most_loaded = net.get_path( most_loaded[0], most_loaded[-1]) if ( newnet.get_max_path_load(most_loaded) <= net.get_max_path_load(old_path_for_most_loaded) ): net = newnet changed[(most_loaded[0], most_loaded[-1])] = most_loaded return net.get_routes() def _figure12(self, net: SimulatableNetwork) -> 'UsageStore': link_usage = net.link_usage link_flows = net.link_flows ospf = Dijkstra(network_graph) opt_model = pulp.LpProblem("LDR", pulp.LpMinimize) xap = pulp.LpVariable("xa", 0, 1) processed = UsageStore(default=dict()) l1 = network_topo[0][:] random.shuffle(l1) sumaggregates = 0 for h1 in l1: l2 = network_topo[0][:] random.shuffle(l2) for h2 in l2: if h1 != h2 and not processed.contains((h1, h2)): h1, h2 = _sort_pair(h1, h2) opt_vars = dict() processed[(h1, h2)] = opt_vars h1p = network_topo[0].index(h1) h2p = network_topo[0].index(h2) ospf_aggregate = ospf(h1)(h2)[0] ospf_delay = sum([ link_usage[ tuple([*ospf_aggregate[i:i+2]]) ] + hop_delay for i in range(len(ospf_aggregate)-1) ]) aggregates = list(pop_apa_candidates[h1p][h2p])[:] for aggregate in aggregates[:]: links = [ _sort_pair(*aggregate[i:i+2]) for i in range(len(aggregate)-1) ] dp = sum( [link_usage[link]+hop_delay for link in links]) if (ospf_delay == 0) or ((dp/ospf_delay) > apa_path_stretch): del aggregates[aggregates.index(aggregate)] random.shuffle(aggregates) sumpinpa = 0 sumxappinpa = 0 na = sum([ link_flows[link] for aggregate in aggregates for link in [ _sort_pair(*aggregate[i:i+2]) for i in range(len(aggregate)-1) ] ]) na = max(na, MIN_POSITIVE_FLOAT) for aggregate in aggregates: links = [ _sort_pair(*aggregate[i:i+2]) for i in range(len(aggregate)-1) ] xap = pulp.LpVariable( f"xap_{h1}_{h2}__{'_'.join(aggregate)}", 0, 1) opt_vars[tuple(aggregate)] = xap omax = max(0, *[link_usage[link] for link in links]) olinks = sum([link_usage[link] for link in links]) dp = sum( [link_usage[link]+hop_delay for link in links]) tiebreaker = (dp+((dp*m1)/ospf_delay)) sumxappinpa += xap sumpinpa += xap*(tiebreaker+(m2*omax)+olinks) opt_model += 0 <= xap <= 1 opt_model += sumxappinpa == 1 sumaggregates += na*sumpinpa opt_model += sumaggregates opt_model.solve() solution = { (tuple(k[4:].split('__')[0].split('_')), tuple(k[4:].split('__')[1].split('_'))): v.varValue for k, v in opt_model.variablesDict().items() if k.startswith('xap_') } # print(opt_model) d = dict() for (tpl, path), weight in solution.items(): if tpl not in d: d[tpl] = dict() d[tpl][path] = weight weighted_result = UsageStore(initial={ k: WeightedPathAggregate(v) for k, v in d.items() }) # print(weighted_result) # opt_model.solve() # solving with CBC # opt_model.solve(solver=pulp.GLPK_CMD()) # solving with Glpk return weighted_result class MinMaxSinglePathEvaluator(AbstractPathEvaluator): def __call__(self) -> Tuple['UsageStore', NoneType]: return self.minmax(self._simnet.copy()), None def minmax(self, net: SimulatableNetwork) -> 'UsageStore': net = net.copy_normalized() processed = UsageStore() l1 = network_topo[0][:] random.shuffle(l1) for h1 in l1: l2 = network_topo[0][:] random.shuffle(l2) for h2 in l2: if h1 != h2 and not processed.contains((h1, h2)): h1p = network_topo[0].index(h1) h2p = network_topo[0].index(h2) aggregates = list(pop_apa_candidates[h1p][h2p]) configurations = list() for aggregate in aggregates: links = [ _sort_pair(*aggregate[i:i+2]) for i in range(len(aggregate)-1) ] newnet = net.with_modified_path(aggregate) configurations.append((newnet.get_max_path_load( aggregate), len(aggregate), aggregate, newnet)) configurations.sort() configuration = configurations[0] processed[(h1, h2)] = configuration[2] net = configuration[3] return processed path_evaluators = { 'ospf': NullPathEvaluator, 'ldr-single': LDRSinglePathEvaluator, 'minmax-single': MinMaxSinglePathEvaluator, 'ecmp': NullPathEvaluator, 'ldr': LDRPathEvaluator, } PathEvaluator = path_evaluators[routing_algo] class LatencyApp(app_manager.RyuApp): OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.mac_to_port = {} self.controllers = {} self._paths = host_path_from_list(network_topo[0]) self._loads = usage_store_from_list(enumerate([])) self.max_speed = bandwidth_from_list(enumerate(network_topo[2])) self.last_speed = UsageStoreProxyFromCallableIterable( AttrCallableIterable( AttrCallableIterable( self.controllers.values, '_link_speed' ), 'as_regular_storage' ), sum ) self.flow_count = UsageStoreProxyFromCallableIterable( AttrCallableIterable(self.controllers.values, '_link_rules'), sum ) self.ospf_dijkstra = Dijkstra(network_graph) self.ecmp_group_ids = dict() self.ecmp_group_id_buckets = dict() self._fill_paths_with_ospf() self._last_process_data = None self.interval = float(network_config['monitoring']['interval']) hub.spawn(self._start_monitoring, self.interval) def _fill_paths_with_ospf(self): for h1 in network_topo[0]: for h2 in network_topo[0]: if h1 != h2 and len(self._paths[(h1, h2)]) <= 0: self._paths[(h1, h2)] = self.ospf_dijkstra(h1)(h2)[0] @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPStateChange, [MAIN_DISPATCHER, DEAD_DISPATCHER]) def _event_ofp_state_change(self, ev): datapath = ev.datapath dpid = datapath.id if ev.state == MAIN_DISPATCHER: if dpid not in self.controllers: self.controllers[dpid] = LatencyController(datapath) self.controllers[dpid].connected(self) self._request_stats(datapath) elif ev.state == DEAD_DISPATCHER: if dpid in self.controllers: self.controllers[dpid].disconnected() del self.controllers[dpid] def _start_monitoring(self, repeat): while True: for ctrl in self.controllers.values(): hub.spawn(self._request_stats, ctrl._datapath) sleep(repeat) hub.spawn(self._update_performance_state) def _request_stats(self, datapath): datapath.send_msg( datapath.ofproto_parser.OFPFlowStatsRequest( datapath ) ) @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPFlowStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER) def _flow_stats_reply_handler(self, ev): global last_process dpid = ev.msg.datapath.id ctrl = self.controllers.get(dpid) if ctrl is not None: ctrl._on_stats(ev, self) with last_process_lock: if last_process is not None: last_process.cancel() last_process = ppe.submit(PathEvaluator( *self._monitored_data(), self._last_process_data)) last_process.add_done_callback(self._update_topo_done) def _monitored_data(self): self._loads = self.max_speed.calculate( self.last_speed.as_regular_storage, lambda maxspeed, lastspeed: ( lastspeed / max(maxspeed, 0.0000000000001) ) ) return ( SimulatableNetwork([ ctrl.simulatable for ctrl in self.controllers.values() ], self._paths), ) def _update_topo_done(self, future): if not future.cancelled() and future: res, keepdata = future.result() self._update_topo_done_successfully(res) self._last_process_data = keepdata self._update_performance_state() def _update_topo_done_successfully(self, processed): print(f'-> Topo updated {datetime.datetime.now()}') for (h1, h2), path in processed._pairs.items(): self._paths[(h1, h2)] = path ip1 = id2ip(int(h1[1:])-1) ip2 = id2ip(int(h2[1:])-1) if isinstance(path, WeightedPathAggregate): for src, weighted_destinations in path.transitions(h1).items(): if src.startswith('s'): ctrl = self.controllers.get(int(src[1:])) if ctrl is not None: ctrl.add_weighted_latency(self, ip1, ip2, weighted_destinations) for src, weighted_destinations in path.transitions(h2).items(): if src.startswith('s'): ctrl = self.controllers.get(int(src[1:])) if ctrl is not None: ctrl.add_weighted_latency(self, ip2, ip1, weighted_destinations) else: for i in range(len(path)-1): segment = path[i:i+2] if segment[0].startswith('s'): ctrl = self.controllers.get(int(segment[0][1:])) if ctrl is not None: ctrl.add_latency_segment(ip1, ip2, segment[1]) if segment[1].startswith('s'): ctrl = self.controllers.get(int(segment[1][1:])) if ctrl is not None: ctrl.add_latency_segment(ip2, ip1, segment[0]) def _update_performance_state(self): sio = StringIO() print(f'@start.path', file=sio) for _, path in sorted(self._paths._pairs.items()): if isinstance(path, WeightedPathAggregate): print(repr(dict(sorted(path.items()))), file=sio) else: print(repr({tuple(path): 1.0}), file=sio) print(f'@end.path', file=sio) print(f'@start.load', file=sio) for (ne1, ne2), load in sorted(self._loads._pairs.items()): print(repr((ne1, ne2, load)), file=sio) print(f'@end.load', file=sio) # print(sio.getvalue(), end='') with open(f'{base_net_name}.state', 'w') as f: v = sio.getvalue() f.write(v) # os.rename(f'{base_net_name}.state2', f'{base_net_name}.state') def portno_from_list(l): return UsageStore(dict([ (tuple(x[:2]), i+1) for i, x in l ])) def usage_store_from_list(l): return UsageStore(dict([ (tuple(x[:2]), 0) for _, x in l ])) def host_path_from_list(l): return UsageStore(dict([ ((x, y), list()) for x in l for y in l if x != y ])) def bandwidth_from_list(l): return UsageStore(dict([ (tuple(x[:2]), x[2]) for _, x in l ])) class PairSorterMixin: def _sort_pair(self, a, b): return _sort_pair(a, b) class UsageStore(PairSorterMixin): def __init__(self, initial=dict(), default=0): self._pairs = dict() for k, v in initial.items(): self[k] = v self._default = default def __getitem__(self, idx) -> float: srtd = self._sort_pair(*idx) pairs = self._pairs if srtd not in pairs: return self._default else: return pairs[srtd] def reverse_lookup(self, val): return [k for k, v in self._pairs.items() if v == val] def calculate(self, other, operation): return UsageStore({ k: operation(v, other[k]) for k, v in self._pairs.items() }) def contains(self, idx) -> bool: return self._sort_pair(*idx) in self._pairs.keys() def __setitem__(self, idx, val: float): self._pairs[self._sort_pair(*idx)] = val def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}({repr(self._pairs)})" def copy(self): return type(self)(self._pairs.copy(), self._default) def to_regular_storage(self): return self.copy() @property def as_regular_storage(self): return self.to_regular_storage() class ValueGetterCallable: def __init__(self, value): self._val = value def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._val class UsageStoreProxyFromCallableIterable(PairSorterMixin): def __init__(self, clb, get_behaviour=None, default=0): self._callable = clb self._behaviour = get_behaviour self.is_frozen = False self._default = default def __getitem__(self, idx) -> float: r = list() srtd = self._sort_pair(*idx) for us in self._callable(): v = us._pairs.get(srtd) if v is not None: r.append(v) if self._behaviour is None: return self._default else: return self._behaviour(r) def __setitem__(self, idx, val: float): alo = False srtd = self._sort_pair(*idx) for us in self._callable(): v = us._pairs.get(srtd) if v is not None: us._pairs[srtd] = val alo = True if not alo: raise ValueError( f"There's no existing connection between" + f" {idx[0]} and {idx[1]} " + f"to update" ) def to_regular_storage(self): keys = set([ key for us in self._callable() for key in us._pairs.keys() ]) return UsageStore(dict([(key, self[key]) for key in keys])) @property def as_regular_storage(self): return self.to_regular_storage() @property def frozen(self): frz = type(self)( ValueGetterCallable(self._callable()), self._behaviour ) frz.is_frozen = True return frz class UsageStoreProxyFromFlowDict(UsageStore): def __init__(self, dct, aggregator=sum): self._flows = dct self._agg = aggregator @property def _pairs(self): d = dict() l = [(self._sort_pair(k[1], k[2]), v) for k, v in self._flows.items()] for k, _ in l: if k not in d: d[k] = list() for k, v in l: d[k].append(v) for k in d.keys(): d[k] = self._agg(d[k]) return d def to_regular_storage(self): return UsageStore(self._pairs) @property def as_regular_storage(self): return self.to_regular_storage() class AttrCallableIterable: def __init__(self, callablecollection, attr): self._cc = callablecollection self._attr = attr def __call__(self): for i in self._cc(): yield getattr(i, self._attr) yield from EMPTY_ITER class DictAggregator: def __init__(self, ds): self._ds = ds def __getitem__(self, q): for d in self._ds: if q in d: return d[q] return self._ds[q] def get(self, q, e=None): for d in self._ds: if q in d: return d[q] return e def keys(self): return { k for d in self._ds for k in d.keys() } def values(self): return { v for d in self._ds for v in d.values() } def items(self): return { i for d in self._ds for i in d.items() } def to_regular_dict(self): return dict(self.items()) def copy(self): return type(self)(self._ds.copy()) class WeightedPathAggregate: def __init__(self, weighted: Dict[Tuple[str], float] = dict()): self._subscriptable = list(weighted.keys())[0] self._weighted = weighted def items(self): return self._weighted.items() def keys(self): return self._weighted.keys() def values(self): return self._weighted.values() def __getitem__(self, val: int) -> str: return self._subscriptable[val] def transitions(self, in_src): transitions_algo_weighted = dict() for path, weight in self.items(): if path[0]!=in_src: path = tuple(list(reversed(list(path)))) links = [ path[i:i+2] for i in range(len(path)-1) ] for ne1, ne2 in links: if ne1.startswith('s'): if ne1 not in transitions_algo_weighted: transitions_algo_weighted[ne1] = dict() if weight > transitions_algo_weighted[ne1].get(ne2, NEG_INF): transitions_algo_weighted[ne1][ne2] = weight transitions_reweighted = dict() for src, d in transitions_algo_weighted.items(): if src not in transitions_reweighted: transitions_reweighted[src] = dict() sw = sum(d.values()) if sw<=0: for dst, w in d.items(): transitions_reweighted[src][dst] = 1.0/len(d) else: for dst, w in d.items(): transitions_reweighted[src][dst] = w/sw return transitions_reweighted def __str__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}({repr(self._weighted)})" def __repr__(self): return str(self)