diff --git a/tpl/index.haml b/tpl/index.haml index d78d3f2..6faabc7 100644 --- a/tpl/index.haml +++ b/tpl/index.haml @@ -110,14 +110,14 @@ - with tiers='Thumbnails (ZIP),Small images (ZIP),Decently-sized images (ZIP),Large images (ZIP),Best quality (ZIP)'.split(',') - for tier in tiers %div - %a{'href': '{{zips[loop.index0]}}'} + %a{'href': '{{zips[loop.index0]["name"]}}'} %i.fa.fa-download{'aria-hidden': 'true'} = tier [{{zips[loop.index0]['fmtd']}}] %footer .pageWidthConstraint %p.justify All artwork presented here serves the sole purpose of easing artists' effort to browse through references that, otherwise, would be sent via some electronical mean that is more prone to a misunderstanding. - %p.justify Even though a download button is easily accessible, no right to reuse, for whatever purpose, any artwork here presented is given. + %p.justify Even though a download button is easily accessible, no right over the images, for whatever purpose, is given. %p.justify If you drew something presented here and don't want it here, send me a message on %a{'href': 'https://twitter.com/SfnerDragon', 'target': '_blank'} Twitter