"use strict"; var plugin = {}; plugin.init = function(app, middleware, controllers, callback) { console.log('nodebb-plugin-quickstart: loaded'); // We create two routes for every view. One API call, and the actual route itself. // Just add the buildHeader middleware to your route and NodeBB will take care of everything for you. app.get('/admin/quickstart', middleware.admin.buildHeader, renderAdmin); app.get('/api/admin/quickstart', renderAdmin); callback(); }; plugin.addAdminNavigation = function(header, callback) { header.plugins.push({ route: '/quickstart', icon: 'fa-tint', name: 'Quickstart' }); callback(null, header); }; function renderAdmin(req, res, next) { /* Make sure the route matches your path to template exactly. If your route was: myforum.com/some/complex/route/ your template should be: templates/some/complex/route.tpl and you would render it like so: res.render('some/complex/route'); */ res.render('admin/quickstart', {}); } module.exports = plugin;