[![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/195912876.svg)](https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/195912876) # Mininet+Ryu Routing algorithm Comparator A bunch of scripts and files that describe topology creation, the topologies, the testing data, real-time graph rendering, table creation and chart creation. ## How to replicate these results - Install Mininet, Ryu and Python3 - - Untested on Mininet compiled against Python2 - - Untested on Ryu compiled against Python2 - Either run `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` with enough privileges on your system or install those requirements from your package manager. - Run `make` as root. ## Files which are safe to delete - `rm -rf boxplots` - `rm -rf resultcache` - `rm -rf *.json` - `rm -rf *.pdf` - `rm -rf *.pdf.bw.txt` - `rm -rf *.state` Or, you can simply run `make clear` to run them all. ## How to add more algorithms to the comparison: 1. On `latencycontroller.py`, create your algorithm as a class child of AbstractPathEvaluator (example: `MyPathEvaluator`), where you override “`__call__(self, ...)`” with your algorithm. 2. On `latencycontroller.py`, add the class you created as an entry of the `path_evaluators` dict (example: “`'my_path_eval': MyPathEvaluator,`”). 3. Add the key in the previous dict for your class into the `ALGOS` list (example: “`'my_path_eval',`”). That's it. ## How to add more topologies to the comparison: ### From miniedit 1. Create a topology and save it; we're going to use `my_topo.mn` in this example. 2. Add a recipe to `Makefile`:
    `./topomn2json.py my_topo` 3. Add that same last line to the end of `generatetopos` recipe. 4. Add add `my_topo.json` as a requirement for `testall` recipe. 5. Add `my_topo.json` at the end of the `topoautostandalonetest.py` line of the `testall` recipe. ### With generator script 1. Create a copy from an existing one, such as `topocreatesimpletree.py`. 2. Give your name to the copy, such as `topocreatemy.py`. 3. Edit your `topocreatemy.py` to the default value be the name you want, such as `my_topo`. 4. Edit `create_topo` on your `topocreatemy.py` to return the topology you want. 5. Add a recipe to `Makefile`:
    `./topocreatemy.py` 6. Add that same last line to the end of `generatetopos` recipe. 7. Add add `my_topo.json` as a requirement for `testall` recipe. 8. Add `my_topo.json` at the end of the `topoautostandalonetest.py` line of the `testall` recipe. ## How to visualize the topology Assumption: you already have a recipe for “`my_topo.json`” created and configured on the `Makefile`. ### For articles - Run `make my_topo.pdf`. ### For presentations, with (almost) real-time updates - Run `make viewer`. Your topology will show on screen as soon as your controller starts up. - About node color meaning: - - Light green nodes are hosts. - - Pink nodes are switches which weren't already initialized by the controller. - - Cyan nodes are switches which were already initialized by the controller. - About edge color meaning: - - If the edge has its green channel on, that edge is connected to a switch which color is light red. - - If the edge has its red channel on, that's the route OSPF would choose. - - If the edge has its blue channel on, its intensity indicates what fraction of the traffic is being routed on there. - The node labels indicates the fraction of the link that is being used. As all links are Full-Duplex links, it ranges from 0 to 2. ## Starting up the controller: `ryu-manager latencycontroller.py my_topo.json`