kind: pipeline type: ssh name: default server: host: from_secret: host user: from_secret: username ssh_key: from_secret: ssh_key steps: - name: build commands: - make - name: publish depends_on: - build environment: GITEA_API_KEY: from_secret: GITEA_API_KEY commands: - docker run --rm -e PLUGIN_BASE_URL="" -e PLUGIN_API_KEY=$${GITEA_API_KEY} -e PLUGIN_FILES=plugin.oar -e DRONE_REPO_OWNER=${DRONE_REPO_OWNER} -e DRONE_REPO_NAME=${DRONE_REPO_NAME} -e PLUGIN_DRAFT=false -e PLUGIN_INSECURE=false -e PLUGIN_PRERELEASE=true -e DRONE_COMMIT_REF=builds -e DRONE_BUILD_EVENT=tag -e PLUGIN_TITLE="CI build" -e PLUGIN_NOTE="This is the latest build from the CI pipeline" -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) plugins/gitea-release trigger: branch: exclude: - builds