BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:megaplex2019 X-WR-CALDESC:Event Calendar METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-// Megaplex 2019//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:UTC BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190808T200000Z DTEND:20190808T210000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction! An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out! Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:b5223af6e02f17da657d739edbcf9a43 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190808T200000Z DTEND:20190808T210000Z SUMMARY:Pre-Registration (Sponsors & Above) DESCRIPTION:*****Pre-registration pickup for Sponsors & Above begins at 4pm and continues until registration closes at 10pm tonight. You can pickup your Sponsors & Above pre-registration during any time period from 4pm to 10pm*****Pre-registered for the convention for a sponsor level or above? Come pickup your badge and swag before the general public! CATEGORIES:REGISTRATION LOCATION:Registration\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:7f8a3ec46e470e074c283bf53fff0163 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190808T210000Z DTEND:20190808T220000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:48f88976e6714a27aec4347ab48c7ca5 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190808T210000Z DTEND:20190808T220000Z SUMMARY:Pre-Registration (Regular Attending Level & Above) DESCRIPTION:*****Pre-registration pickup for Regular Attending begins at 5pm and continues until registration closes at 10pm tonight. You can pickup all pre-registration during any time period from 5pm to 10pm*****Pre-registered for the convention? Come pickup your badge and swag before the general public on-site! CATEGORIES:REGISTRATION LOCATION:Registration\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:bcc40071f9d9419e6357a1533e72de0b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190808T220000Z DTEND:20190808T230000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:77a50347defb95cf66a2513505113fc9 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190808T220000Z DTEND:20190809T020000Z SUMMARY:Information Desk DESCRIPTION:Have a Question? Ask our Information Desk! CATEGORIES:INFO DESK LOCATION:Outside Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:d3d09053c6e61b7c3265a153ded97d18 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190808T220000Z DTEND:20190809T020000Z SUMMARY:Registration (On-site) DESCRIPTION:*****Pre-registration for all levels can still be picked up during on-site registration. You can pickup all pre-registration right outside of the Registration room until 10pm*****Make sure to pick up your badge before you join us in the convention space! This time-slot is specifically designated for on-site registration. CATEGORIES:REGISTRATION LOCATION:Registration\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:c697ae5e6e8e95a21944072080c6dbf6 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190808T230000Z DTEND:20190809T000000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:635c76093b3aa1e4682b1c0f4c09568a URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T000000Z DTEND:20190809T010000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:9b493c0fee240139eb2cd5e2c4150c0a URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T000000Z DTEND:20190809T040000Z SUMMARY:Karaoke with Kryos DESCRIPTION:Come sing your heart out! CATEGORIES:KARAOKE LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:512e6702def28ddc9009c16d310da30d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T010000Z DTEND:20190809T020000Z SUMMARY:Dances - Tantari DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Thursday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:7103c505295235fd3b6c82068a37cc5b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T010000Z DTEND:20190809T020000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:6fc0363b98040fed47ac5fa7ce38cef8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T010000Z DTEND:20190809T020000Z SUMMARY:Handlers: The Unsung Heroes! DESCRIPTION:If you suit in Public you need a lifeguard. Lets explore the role and appreciation of those our of suit who keep us safe\, communicate for us\, and guide us. CATEGORIES:FURSUIT LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:13ac065d83f84d8ac65bd9b70b7d09d7 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T010000Z DTEND:20190809T020000Z SUMMARY:Dragon Gather & Growl DESCRIPTION:A place where dragons can come and mingle with other dragons. We'll talk about the latest dragon movies\, tv shows\, games\, and the themeparks\, with a group photo to finish off the gathering! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:5b6fc1b91260f96de2b9ab8c92ac141f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T010000Z DTEND:20190809T020000Z SUMMARY:Losing Weight with Paxon DESCRIPTION:If you are interested in losing 10 pounds\, 100 pounds\, or somewhere in between come learn some of the best strategies for weight loss. Learn how to calculate your TDEE\, what CICO is\, bust diet myths\, learn about the best phone apps for weight loss\, and dive into the latest in weight loss research. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f268ad53ba35022d84ea84b0ed1c78c3 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T013000Z DTEND:20190809T023000Z SUMMARY:To Absent Friends DESCRIPTION:Before we begin this year's festivities\, we pause to remember those who are no longer with us. To our absent friends: You are missed\, you are loved\, and you are not forgotten. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:e8a87dcaedd009363adc8cb9fe70f926 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T020000Z DTEND:20190809T030000Z SUMMARY:Dances - Spike Papp DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Thursday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:784e029417e817ebcb5c99b170451148 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T030000Z DTEND:20190809T040000Z SUMMARY:Dances - Konomichi DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Thursday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:e6ee1e3e0a191ecb09c828101b80f140 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T030000Z DTEND:20190809T050000Z SUMMARY:Jackbox Party (18+) DESCRIPTION:Jackbox Party Packs! Come for the 18+ hilarity and fun. We will be playing from all 5 Jackbox Party Packs. Competitors will join us on stage and change every game. Most games include audience participation. (18+) CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:a3dd101e3d45f0af1041917f6ebba1a8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T030000Z DTEND:20190809T040000Z SUMMARY:Powerpoint Karaoke DESCRIPTION:Also known as "That presentation's TODAY?" It's the improv game where you must convince the audience that you're the expert on a topic you've never heard of\, using slides you've never seen! CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:75935bd10764d90fe84fad9fe0e4c7df URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T030000Z DTEND:20190809T040000Z SUMMARY:DJing 101 DESCRIPTION:Want to be a DJ or just understand what is going on up on stage? This class is an introduction to DJ hardware and mixing. We'll cover the basics of hardware and software\, playlists\, mixing\, beatmatching\, harmonic matching\, EQ mixing\, and other topics. We'll also cover getting started as an online DJ at places like Second Life. We'll conclude with instructions for how you can get free DJ software and get started mixing yourself! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:b5d18afd0a32a9880fa406d0b0b0e162 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T030000Z DTEND:20190809T040000Z SUMMARY:A Class on Creative & Science Fiction Writing DESCRIPTION:Are you looking to punch up your writing\, or gain a new perspective on the craft? Join Jyoo_C_Froot for a course in learning how to avoid and identify pitfalls and bad habits in writing\, as well as answering whatever questions you might have regarding your own projects! CATEGORIES:WRITING LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:656f2a5653e304eba64ee0873ecf8bf3 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T040000Z DTEND:20190809T050000Z SUMMARY:Dances - Russelbuck DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Thursday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:70fa6cf5d04298b21fb1b838a9f8ef99 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T130000Z DTEND:20190810T000000Z SUMMARY:Information Desk DESCRIPTION:Have a Question? Ask our Information Desk! CATEGORIES:INFO DESK LOCATION:Outside Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:e77785c2299b3990ef6a18d8ecbab855 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T130000Z DTEND:20190810T000000Z SUMMARY:Registration DESCRIPTION:Make sure to pick up your badge before you join us in the convention space! CATEGORIES:REGISTRATION LOCATION:Registration\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:b08ec6538098af1525f0034bcc275cac URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T130000Z DTEND:20190810T000000Z SUMMARY:Sponsor's Suite DESCRIPTION:Are you a Sponsor or above this year? Join us for some free snacks and meals while at the convention! CATEGORIES:SPONSOR'S SUITE LOCATION:Sponsor's Suite\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:fedd78b73e5bd55d597d23912a62d6f8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T140000Z DTEND:20190809T150000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:0935e052cf56ad27d3d2fdf356e14b9e URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T140000Z DTEND:20190810T000000Z SUMMARY:Furshoot DESCRIPTION:Come get your photo taken with Furshoot CATEGORIES:FURSHOOT LOCATION:Furshoot\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:bc89a799912295b9d8dde03848723f05 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T140000Z DTEND:20190809T150000Z SUMMARY:Opening Ceremonies DESCRIPTION:Kick off the convention in style at the Opening Ceremonies and meet the staff\, board\, and Guests of Honor! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f648b3579269004657608ca546718d6e URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T150000Z DTEND:20190809T230000Z SUMMARY:Artists Alley DESCRIPTION:Buy all the arts and things! CATEGORIES:ARTISTS ALLEY LOCATION:Artists Alley\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:54f59ea473939e269535da407610d2ff URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T150000Z DTEND:20190809T230000Z SUMMARY:Dealer's Den DESCRIPTION:Buy all the arts and things! CATEGORIES:DEALER'S DEN LOCATION:Dealer's Den\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:6f3bca985a19e918a1b1836bb699d50e URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T150000Z DTEND:20190809T160000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f7b4c2395db3970423f0f71c779800e9 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T150000Z DTEND:20190809T160000Z SUMMARY:Fursuit Making for Beginners by Beginners DESCRIPTION:This will cover fursuit making for beginners by beginners. The tips\, tricks\, trades\, and hows to establish yourself as a maker and make a name for yourself! CATEGORIES:FURSUIT LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:89e88fc825ab2660667dde9cf59fd21e URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T150000Z DTEND:20190810T050000Z SUMMARY:Game Room DESCRIPTION:Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right A B Start playing Games in the Game Room! CATEGORIES:GAME ROOM LOCATION:Game Room\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:1a1eb80e64a843f366e5c1dac1234e7c URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T150000Z DTEND:20190809T160000Z SUMMARY:Housamo Summoners Meet Up DESCRIPTION:We cordially welcome fans/players to participate\, gather\, and greet other fans/players of the mobile RPG game “Tokyo Afterschool Summoners”. Feel free to discuss here also. We are also welcome to to those who haven't play the game but have interest in the series\, especially that they are familiar about it and getting into the game! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:cb80aa93b90c957fce953699dbc70954 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T150000Z DTEND:20190809T160000Z SUMMARY:So Your Kid is a Furry… What Now? DESCRIPTION:Come understand what it means to be involved in the fandom and how to support your child. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:0f85c3444465aae0f8fb7aed6aedd195 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T153000Z DTEND:20190809T163000Z SUMMARY:So This is Your 1st Furry Convention? DESCRIPTION:Is this your first furry convention? Join KP & Alkali for a fun and informative discussion about etiquette and information to make the most of your convention experience! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:7653097f4612e8eb3f39714afba59c13 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T160000Z DTEND:20190809T170000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:7ec53bb7fbea6b0d23cc7d3760a4d975 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T160000Z DTEND:20190809T173000Z SUMMARY:Car Enthusiasts Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:Join us once again for a meeting of passionate drivers as we discuss car\, motorcycles\, culture\, and similar subjects. CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:d8c82a26a8f9b28fab173ece6dea6f86 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T160000Z DTEND:20190809T170000Z SUMMARY:How to Brew *Beer & Other Things* 101 (18+) DESCRIPTION:A beginners guide to the wonderful world of home brewing. (18+) CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:746867090a300ad64a61b61afecfad92 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T160000Z DTEND:20190809T170000Z SUMMARY:Werq! The Runway DESCRIPTION:That's it! Come join The Mother aka Hecate and learn how to play any runway! Either in sneakers\, dress shoes\, or even heels come learn to walk like the King or Queen that you are! Runway\, Gown\, modeling\, and so much more! Feel yourself & be the best you that you can be. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:ff009b938edefb36ebc3892afbb67262 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T163000Z DTEND:20190809T173000Z SUMMARY:I Don't Know Anyone Here\, Now What? DESCRIPTION:First furry convention? First convention EVER? Stay after the "Your First Furry Con?" panel for a fun ice-breaker game to get to know your fellow attendees and help break down the walls of fear! Join the staff of Brazil FurFest for some fun\, laughs\, and make some new friends! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:798907f07212bd6a0e88af38923dc7b3 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T163000Z DTEND:20190809T170000Z SUMMARY:Everyday Costuming DESCRIPTION:Have you asked yourself how can you wear that collar outside a convention or furmeet? Figuring out a way to get more wears out of that costume outside Halloween? In this panel we explain how to mix costume elements into your everyday wardrobe. From jewelry and accessories to making costume patterns into street clothes. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:ab695eded85c885db3ab4ecc5027e3c8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T163000Z DTEND:20190809T180000Z SUMMARY:My Little Pony Fandom: Today\, Tomorrow\, & the Future DESCRIPTION:We will discuss where the fandom is right now and where it will be going in the future. We will also discuss the status of the show itself and where it will go from here with the 9th and final season of FIM upon us. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:9bfe90a0126fd4fe6985bdd172ad53a5 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T170000Z DTEND:20190809T180000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:c32f8ff57cc214f752781ae1a9d9537f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T170000Z DTEND:20190809T180000Z SUMMARY:Cosplay Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:Do you love to wear costumes that are not fursuits? Do you cosplay at anime and comic cons? Come meet other cosplayers and talk about your experiences with cosplay outside the furry fandom\, along with exchanging advice for better cosplay. Non-fursuit costuming is encouraged. CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f4ee4f37110fd2a3f0d787087b6fe07f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T170000Z DTEND:20190809T180000Z SUMMARY:Scrap Booking for Furries DESCRIPTION:Would you like to learn how to scrap book? Its a fun way to keep track of adventures and put all those con "extras" to use that you collect throughout the years. Learn to tell the story of you! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:fe1fae4643edd59b3c1188590ffad863 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T173000Z DTEND:20190809T183000Z SUMMARY:How to be a Dancerfur: Why it's not a club & only has 2 requirements DESCRIPTION:Learn what a 'dancerfur' really is. Hint: No restriction on who can attend. Open meet and greet to discuss all things dance including sharing dance style information. Intent is to be an ice-breaker to tear down perceived walls between established dancerfurs and everyone else. CATEGORIES:DANCE LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:4bc0f3a67f5360655429fec028f088bd URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T173000Z DTEND:20190809T183000Z SUMMARY:The Dangers of Dogpile: Independent Thought & Avoiding a Mob Mentality DESCRIPTION:Collective thought can be a good thing or terrible thing. Lets explore the benefits and dangers of mob rule and rediscover thinking for yourself! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:1880e122d5f9aa179bd49e79a890ec90 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T180000Z DTEND:20190809T190000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:512b7cb8a9fffdb1e6d2ba6f619662d7 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T180000Z DTEND:20190809T193000Z SUMMARY:Box of Lies! / Meet the Guests of Honor! DESCRIPTION:Combining two popular events into 1 epic timeslot! Meet our Guests of Honor this year\, JD Puppy and SonicFox\, as they battle against our Senior Staff in the game Box of Lies! Fun and hilarity is sure to ensue! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:666905792321286588fe189a4dc8672b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T180000Z DTEND:20190809T190000Z SUMMARY:Lamp's Non Furs Meet Up DESCRIPTION:Hello Friends. Are you a Non-fur who somehow wandered into one of the greatest fur cons in Orlando? Well you’re in luck. Come by to my meet and greet and discuss with other non-furs about your life\, your friends\, and your experiences in the fandom. All Non-fur\, Furs\, and Inanimate objects are welcomed. CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:85958aaf437203e4ab32bbf49cf47921 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T183000Z DTEND:20190809T200000Z SUMMARY:Furry Language: The Game Show DESCRIPTION:Teams of two use pantomime to convey clues to furry-themed puzzles. Winning teams receive small prizes and play a bonus round to raise money for CARE. Based on TV's "Body Language." (Fursuiters are advised that every player will have a speaking role at some point in the game.) CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:3440cfe66dbd1e0b8fcc3765dbb393bf URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T183000Z DTEND:20190809T193000Z SUMMARY:Automotive Detailing Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:Open discussion for auto detailing enthusiasts and professionals of all skill levels to share tips and tricks and possibly even a few mistakes! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:930ef6b6d6a6fe5c6db81dfb28c6fed6 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T183000Z DTEND:20190809T193000Z SUMMARY:Convention Safety (18+) DESCRIPTION:A discussion covering safety around conventions. Fursuits\, traveling\, and room party activities can be fun but risky - we'll talk about minimizing risk while still having fun! (18+) CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:76a44fa747bccf23a0eb53013e8901e1 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T190000Z DTEND:20190809T200000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:93a334881309b74e03d16db0a5ffeba5 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T190000Z DTEND:20190809T200000Z SUMMARY:Floor Dragger Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:Got a big tail? A fan of big tails? Stop on by and try your hand at a few games and join us for a photo shot! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:15c422ce4af949a0f122efd7d1085f07 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T190000Z DTEND:20190809T200000Z SUMMARY:Gender Expression in the Furry Community DESCRIPTION:Gender expression is a big part of our everyday life\, and we don't always know which gender identity is right for us. But by creating a fursona with a different gender(s)\, styles and colors\, it allows us to explore different gender expressions without the fear of rejection. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:560b735fced470bd1b58b389f3109efb URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T193000Z DTEND:20190809T203000Z SUMMARY:Fighting Game Mechanics DESCRIPTION:A Q&A session with SonicFox about fighting game mechanics. Learn from one of the best! CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:6c58afe4499ddd7efe74b47cf6654a0a URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T200000Z DTEND:20190809T210000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:8fdfdfa2af4901b37143343cf8f7f1ca URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T200000Z DTEND:20190809T213000Z SUMMARY:Tips & Tricks on How to Make Furry Costumes DESCRIPTION:Come learn tips and tricks that aren't super obvious for first-time furries jumping into making fursuits! We covering things from setting up a resin head\, moving mechanics on the jaw\, eye\, and ears\, to tools and must have items [safety]. CATEGORIES:FURSUIT LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:44e38dd4f9870a1ef9c62934136cd9ae URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T200000Z DTEND:20190809T230000Z SUMMARY:Limited Enjoyment of Magic the Gathering DESCRIPTION:Learn to play limited formats of Magic the Gathering. Panel will go over strategies\, etiquette\, and rules specific for limited formats. Panel will have a cube draft provided by the hosts' personal collection. Attendees may keep what they draft. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:43b0789d6616063da532575931692976 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T203000Z DTEND:20190809T223000Z SUMMARY:Funday Pawpet Show DESCRIPTION:Since we’ve returned to the internet\, might as well return to Megaplex\, with our only full in person live audience in the year. Are you up for the challenges? CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:55bfc45e0f72ac4477f6d682ac139d97 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T203000Z DTEND:20190809T213000Z SUMMARY:Keeping Your Furry Fit! DESCRIPTION:Filled with self care tips\, yoga\, stretchesm and biscuit paws! We will be exploring ways to keep our health up during convention season! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:b5a6d52bb420b8b3b6cd7085bfa14bfb URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T203000Z DTEND:20190809T213000Z SUMMARY:The Popufur Survival Guide DESCRIPTION:What do you do when everyone wants a piece of you? How do you handle chaos and keep a smile on your face? We'll show you the proven path to social nirvana. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:d8e42d217a6574c5c921514a045c669c URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T210000Z DTEND:20190810T000000Z SUMMARY:Improv Comedy Charity Event: ClownCon 2019 DESCRIPTION:Orlando's premier clown convention and first-ever convention within a convention — have a laugh\, listen to the best clownstep in the country\, and come get clowned! CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:36494ac0d2cc15aec54bab85f71838d5 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T210000Z DTEND:20190809T220000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:5dd93472cdaa0672d255cc74b3bd8f76 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T220000Z DTEND:20190809T230000Z SUMMARY:Break the Con with Puck DESCRIPTION:Puck returns with his unusual brand of humor in this panel that combines his old Break the Ice and Con Etiquette 101 into one new panel! Whether you're a convention veteran or fresh meat\, this panel has something for everyone! Join Puck in this comedy panel that goes over con Do's and ABSOLUTELY Do Not's\, learn how to break the ice with his D.I.C.K. method\, and learn all about the joys of soap! CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:832514b6c6386b866274907232309331 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T220000Z DTEND:20190809T230000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:5ebcd3f9d7b46ebc5ab0fb1fcc230468 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T220000Z DTEND:20190809T230000Z SUMMARY:Lightning Dogs: The Animated Series DESCRIPTION:A squad of canine commandos are trapped on a post-apocalyptic Earth – can they defeat Glampire’s mutant armies and return home? Join the creators of this TV show from an alternate 80s timeline for a screening of their animated short produced by Orlando's own DAVE School\, and go behind the scenes in their journey from crazy idea to reality. Explore production art\, challenges of getting into animation from the outside\, and dog puns... lots of dog puns. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:4f6cc313fa249336a31007ff94be643d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T220000Z DTEND:20190809T230000Z SUMMARY:Sous Vide 101 DESCRIPTION:Cooking via Sous Vide: What is it? How to do it? Why do it? Why NOT to do it? An introduction to and discussion of the art of cooking Sous Vide\, for those curious or interested in the technique. Basic terms and info on equipment and techniques. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:0ba258951e6a023aea43610fe5371668 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T223000Z DTEND:20190810T000000Z SUMMARY:So You Wanna Be Your Own Boss? DESCRIPTION:A guide to being your own boss and building a really great business.\, including helpful advice on gaining self confidence! CATEGORIES:ART LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:85a491f2bfc42a6c703da8e5a67b0917 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T230000Z DTEND:20190810T000000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:5b192943e0b6ae9885efde9ab30afbba URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T233000Z DTEND:20190810T000000Z SUMMARY:Getting Started with Polymer Clay DESCRIPTION:Ever wanted to bring your character to life but don't know where to start? You're in luck! In this panel\, we will be covering the basics of sculpting in polymer clay. Everything you need to know to make your own tangible creations! CATEGORIES:ART LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:61d877be6d59cf895fac7e1e69764939 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T233000Z DTEND:20190810T013000Z SUMMARY:Just Dance\, Furries! DESCRIPTION:Come one\, come all to Just Dance\, Furries! We'll be setting up a 2-hour battle between 6 dancers\, trading off between songs. Anyone and everyone is encouraged to join\, fursuiters and non-fursuiters alike! Joy-cons provided to each dancer during play. CATEGORIES:FURSUIT LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:77d373655dd913f0f3d64ea933b87e10 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T233000Z DTEND:20190810T000000Z SUMMARY:Furry Jeopardy! Try Outs DESCRIPTION:Think you've got what it takes to become the Jeopardy! champ? Test your skills here in the Furry Jeopardy! Try-Outs! (required to participate in the Furry Jeopardy event on Sunday) CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:bcbd690048a41f19d19b5bc665be9570 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T233000Z DTEND:20190810T010000Z SUMMARY:Foxes & Peppers LIVE DESCRIPTION:Fox Amoore and Pepper Coyote bringing you their musical talents of singing\, piano\, guitar\, and fun with songs! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f0552d64d3438cfc55fa50f5e8d66e99 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190809T233000Z DTEND:20190810T013000Z SUMMARY:Vore and Other Subjects (18+) DESCRIPTION:Join us for a discussion of Vore\, macrophilia\, and other related fixations. (18+) CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:b53a90f79ef51953ccdb94bc323d2ba5 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T000000Z DTEND:20190810T010000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:59e3c671a7d8d6c140bd07c8fdc9e786 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T000000Z DTEND:20190810T020000Z SUMMARY:Dessert Social DESCRIPTION:Join us for a free mouth-watering selection of sweet treats and fun at the Pool! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Pool (Center of the Towers)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f564e28bc99993fb2961b64ee4d53aa2 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T003000Z DTEND:20190810T020000Z SUMMARY:Furry Girls Meet & Greet (18+) DESCRIPTION:Gather around all female furs\, It's time for some well needed girl time!! We have games\, treats\, and a little more magic up our sleeves!! (18+) CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:acbb590c3689d045796ede22f3f13fb8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T003000Z DTEND:20190810T013000Z SUMMARY:Enamel Pin Trading Panel DESCRIPTION:Bring your collections and trade enamel pins with other fandom members! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:07f8f03cdffe0f971b3751254ae65658 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T010000Z DTEND:20190810T020000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:9cc63201a5e86076c75e434bf2626f38 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T010000Z DTEND:20190810T023000Z SUMMARY:Pagan Meet Up DESCRIPTION:A gathering for Pagans\, Druids\, Wiccans\, and other light-minded energy beings to get together and learn more about the energy around us. Curious? Join us and learn more! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:613ded031e999570ad5ef5fb46c18414 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T010000Z DTEND:20190810T020000Z SUMMARY:ConCrud 101 DESCRIPTION:Everyone has heard of concrud\, the seasonal flUwU\, and other contagious diseases. Let's chat about what concrud is\, focusing on the interplay of biology\, epidemiology\, and immunology which result in transmissible disease. Includes a lecture with audience participation and Q&A. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:11607d15e077168073bd7f5f94562113 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T020000Z DTEND:20190810T033000Z SUMMARY:Dance Comp Tryouts DESCRIPTION:Want to try and be a part of the fursuit dance competition this year? Make sure you attend either audition time to snag a chance! CATEGORIES:DANCE LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:fd6686e3b2c7897582909ecb000fda1b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T020000Z DTEND:20190810T030000Z SUMMARY:Dances - Saphire DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Friday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:a96ba878d422295a40430ecdb2c13d2e URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T023000Z DTEND:20190810T040000Z SUMMARY:Cuffs\, Collars\, & Knots (18+) DESCRIPTION:A panel delving into the do's and dont's of bondage and the BDSM lifestyle where you can ask tough burning questions about any thing from whats the right collar for you to how you can tell your leash holder no. (18+) CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:5b1462753a147708f554de79e6593583 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T023000Z DTEND:20190810T033000Z SUMMARY:Follow Your Vision: with Bio & Lamp DESCRIPTION:Do you make art? Do you makes videos? Do you sometimes have trouble putting yourself out there with what you create? Feel like it's not worth the effort to create anything anymore? Bio and Lamp are here to convince you otherwise! They'll teach you how to get started\, how to advertise\, and how to always follow through with your vision! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:7476d56d164ad2bdd2d34d3f7017d83d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T030000Z DTEND:20190810T040000Z SUMMARY:I Comedy Better When I've Had a Few (18+) DESCRIPTION:We have no idea what is going to happen at this charity event\, but it is for a good cause! Show up\, throw some money into the hat\, and enjoy the show. And for those of you that asked for this on twitter… I hope you’re happy. (18+) CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:9e355f23c6251f95f1ceb97191e82022 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T030000Z DTEND:20190810T040000Z SUMMARY:The Help Desk Rant (18+) DESCRIPTION:Come for a light-hearted and somewhat comical rant about working in the IT field for over a decade. Tech and non Tech furs welcome. PS Furries make the Internets go! (18+) CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:2e264618975588674fffd7e0f8d24db8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T030000Z DTEND:20190810T040000Z SUMMARY:Dances - Roo3K DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Friday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:5b10900c5e268981e52c635968cde47f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T040000Z DTEND:20190810T050000Z SUMMARY:Dances - GUAC DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Friday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:9b055ee08fa435c8eb0737e025582c0d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T040000Z DTEND:20190810T050000Z SUMMARY:FurQuest: Adult Scavenger Hunt (18+) DESCRIPTION:(18+) The Audience will be split into teams according to their sitting area. A representative of each team will collect requests from their team and present it to the MC in a matter of seconds. These may include items\, people or actions often found at stereotypical fur cons; and occasionally in some combination. This will be a high energy and comedic event for a large audience. Audience members are encouraged to bring any items they feel might be referenced as "stereotypically furry." Fursuiters are encouraged to attend! CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:10275e5143dffdc2b67a5887c2942c6d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T043000Z DTEND:20190810T060000Z SUMMARY:After Dark with Mrs. Strawberry (18+) DESCRIPTION:Get advice on love\, life\, and all the crazy in between. Questions answered\, stories told\, and laughs had by all. (18+) CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:ee1a0a708540ec5d2b85689f90f45674 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T043000Z DTEND:20190810T053000Z SUMMARY:The Raving Panda (18+) DESCRIPTION:A full-fledged comedy experience\, come hang with the panda Nanato while he talks about life and leaves you in stitches. Enjoy his comedy as he raves about balancing being a furry and the hustle of life. (18+) CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:2b5febec130ff54c08e3567bd14e5a4f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T043000Z DTEND:20190810T060000Z SUMMARY:Whose Lion is it Anyway? (18+) DESCRIPTION:Based off the popular TV show “Whose Line is it Anyway\,” this is everyone’s chance to get up on stage and improvise with their fellow furs! A completely interactive panel\, Whose Lion will feature such games as: Questions Only\, Who’s Line\, Party Quirks\, and even World’s Worst. Hosted by Alkali\, this panel is sure to be a good time for all; so come on out\, get up on stage\, and show everyone how quick your wit is. People with a heart condition should not have a heart attack during this panel as we will think you are acting. Panel has been known to cause uproarious laughter\, fits of giggling\, and diarrhea. See you there! (18+) CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:d5ce9a58338f05efdfbcfc93bd81029f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T043000Z DTEND:20190810T060000Z SUMMARY:Foxes & Peppers After Dark (18+) DESCRIPTION:Fox and Pepper bring their nonsense carnival of music and alcoholism back again! Enjoy original music\, covers of songs we probably don't actually like\, and two of the most handsome musicians the fandom has to offer! (18+) CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:b312c3b228541928a67d12937e799f4d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T050000Z DTEND:20190810T060000Z SUMMARY:Dances - MeeK DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Friday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:da724e1a590bfd3348c8ed6071b5c028 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T130000Z DTEND:20190811T050000Z SUMMARY:Game Room DESCRIPTION:Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right A B Start playing Games in the Game Room! CATEGORIES:GAME ROOM LOCATION:Game Room\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:e570e4dbb948d62a53afe56110a00581 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T130000Z DTEND:20190811T000000Z SUMMARY:Information Desk DESCRIPTION:Have a Question? Ask our Information Desk! CATEGORIES:INFO DESK LOCATION:Outside Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:48a0dad8c8feea075dad77155c5024a0 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T130000Z DTEND:20190811T000000Z SUMMARY:Registration DESCRIPTION:Make sure to pick up your badge before you join us in the convention space! CATEGORIES:REGISTRATION LOCATION:Registration\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:e2d3406932a9423059bd5ea00233fda8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T130000Z DTEND:20190811T020000Z SUMMARY:Sponsor's Suite DESCRIPTION:Are you a Sponsor or above this year? Join us for some free snacks and meals while at the convention! CATEGORIES:SPONSOR'S SUITE LOCATION:Sponsor's Suite\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:6d86d4b927e3dbc9decae861b918badf URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T133000Z DTEND:20190810T143000Z SUMMARY:Fursuit Games DESCRIPTION:Our very own round of Furry Fursuit fun and games! Come test your skills or cheer folks on! CATEGORIES:FURSUIT LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:679f40e3636402cee1bacbef063b061e URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T140000Z DTEND:20190810T220000Z SUMMARY:Artists Alley DESCRIPTION:Buy all the arts and things! CATEGORIES:ARTISTS ALLEY LOCATION:Artists Alley\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f4fa94d9758a7c24cc9ed336ae4c3867 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T140000Z DTEND:20190810T220000Z SUMMARY:Dealer's Den DESCRIPTION:Buy all the arts and things! CATEGORIES:DEALER'S DEN LOCATION:Dealer's Den\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:7c07f4f1e89d89b15eda9456c8336b0b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T140000Z DTEND:20190810T150000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:4630d4264ee84a2e22ac636b52bbf537 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T140000Z DTEND:20190810T160000Z SUMMARY:Furshoot DESCRIPTION:Come get your photo taken with Furshoot CATEGORIES:FURSHOOT LOCATION:Furshoot\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:8a14b96bccdecaecbe44d8e60fe73dd2 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T140000Z DTEND:20190810T150000Z SUMMARY:Thursday Prompt DESCRIPTION:The Thursday Prompt is a writing exercise hosted by Vixyy Fox on Fur Affinity. Writing is fun; so lets have some. CATEGORIES:WRITING LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:475b9295c28e925db1306408ea067e94 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T143000Z DTEND:20190810T160000Z SUMMARY:Dance Comp Tryouts DESCRIPTION:Want to try and be a part of the fursuit dance competition this year? Make sure you attend either audition time to snag a chance! CATEGORIES:DANCE LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f799b7a53f8e71dd89ce811bea96748f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T143000Z DTEND:20190810T153000Z SUMMARY:Furtubers DESCRIPTION:A panel where you can come seek advice from fellow furry youtubers and content creators. Come visit us on tips and tricks on how to start your channel\, equipment and technique information\, Meet & Greets\, and much more! CATEGORIES:FURSUIT LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:6a3173f54354798bef08de370949592f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T143000Z DTEND:20190810T153000Z SUMMARY:Military Furs Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:A meet and greet for all furs involved with the military. Active duty\, reserves\, guard\, prior service\, thinking about joining or just to show your support? Come say “Hi!” CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:bfc3e33ce310102e4cb27c1011aa4a39 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T150000Z DTEND:20190810T160000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:90848f71bd3086d54c44b69df4e5f423 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T150000Z DTEND:20190810T160000Z SUMMARY:Super Sponsor Luncheon DESCRIPTION:Enjoy a plated lunch with our Guests of Honor\, key staffers\, and your fellow supersponsors. Not yet a supersponsor? You can still upgrade at the registration desk! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:3a662544f1607153a25c3d121d6d41b2 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T150000Z DTEND:20190810T160000Z SUMMARY:Magic Hour DESCRIPTION:Want to feel that child-like wonder again? Spend an hour with Wolfy-Kun - Sleight of paw magic is where he specializes\, mixed in with a few good stories tell. Who knows\, you might learn a simple trick or two. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f466249e5620bdf98152bb189625b92b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T153000Z DTEND:20190810T160000Z SUMMARY:Medieval History & Dungeons (The Original Great Escape) DESCRIPTION:A lecture/demonstration on Medieval History\, Armor\, Weapons\, Castles\, Historical Dungeons (the original Great Escape) including various historical clothing and armor\, to provide a fun educational lesson. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:6bffb9b3f368f8cebf275d52c3010517 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T160000Z DTEND:20190810T170000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:9c26a4ea626c7352b99ea86eff18b278 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T163000Z DTEND:20190810T170000Z SUMMARY:Fursuit Parade Photo Lineup DESCRIPTION:Make sure to make your way to the main ballroom if you want to join us for the fursuit photo and parade! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Caribbean 5-7\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:d59a0a086626cd2e6b3919481bd645d9 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T170000Z DTEND:20190810T180000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:9a28c1b4d1dac3c9d16afeb383f23003 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T170000Z DTEND:20190810T180000Z SUMMARY:Fursuit Parade DESCRIPTION:It's the annual fursuit parade! We'll begin with a group photo\, then watch the suiters strut their stuff – a perfect photo opportunity for everyone! Line-up begins at 12:30pm. At 1pm\, the photo will be taken\, and the parade will kick off! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Caribbean 5-7\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:2df0b68437eff5256832c8c8fed33de2 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T180000Z DTEND:20190810T190000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:a56f0a64d06131d5ba0e12b04c20bbb7 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T180000Z DTEND:20190810T220000Z SUMMARY:Furshoot DESCRIPTION:Come get your photo taken with Furshoot CATEGORIES:FURSHOOT LOCATION:Furshoot\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:408d3e2d8d7e12ed600b194e1e5c665d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T180000Z DTEND:20190810T230000Z SUMMARY:Charity Poker Tournament DESCRIPTION:Join other poker enthusiasts for a 1-day charity poker tournament. The tournament will be a no limit\, Texas Hold 'Em game with all proceeds being donated to the CARE Foundation. Support the charity! CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:2fb64f0c2ec2559c70faafca568377b9 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T180000Z DTEND:20190810T200000Z SUMMARY:Two Rooms & a Boom DESCRIPTION:A hidden role\, deduction game similar to Werewolf without player elimination. Multiple sessions of the the game will be run during the block. With your hidden role\, you will work with your team to uncover the location of the President. The Blue team wants to protect the President at all costs\, the Red team wants to blow him up. Who's the President? Who's the Bomber? CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:85f72da974e79a4b3e02a2c2d9c7fbf8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T180000Z DTEND:20190810T190000Z SUMMARY:Young Furs Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:Are you under 17? Come join and meet other fellow young furs. CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f6a5b6d21e3eeb7161afb287269b7588 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T180000Z DTEND:20190810T190000Z SUMMARY:Beekeeping Q&A DESCRIPTION:Curious about bees or beekeeping? Join Amethyst and Saph for an introductory lecture and Q&A - with 20 years of combined experience\, we have great stories to share and welcome all questions! No beekeeping experience necessary! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:5015efd7f45278b3b2a4d776460867cd URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T183000Z DTEND:20190810T200000Z SUMMARY:DanceMania! DESCRIPTION:A different kind of dance event\, designed to be family friendly and fursuit friendly! Join us for a chance to just boogie to fun music in a range of styles\, and done in the format of television dance shows! You might even end up on camera! CATEGORIES:DANCE LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:670c6cabece79b9efc667cee6b0736e7 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T183000Z DTEND:20190810T200000Z SUMMARY:Transgender Meet and Greet DESCRIPTION:Come for a discussion about trans issues! We often have newly discovering folks along with\, and we will have a Q&A for questions to be answered. We are a friendly group and welcome those supporting the community as well. CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:6e86bb8322da17171adf63afcb4c41ce URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T183000Z DTEND:20190810T193000Z SUMMARY:All You Want to Know about TikTok DESCRIPTION:Wanna know how TikTok works? Join us for a live demonstration & Q&A session! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:9a85e6105e4ddaa05711349249f42967 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T190000Z DTEND:20190810T200000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:48e8329aaf526f2354cac5bb5866b2aa URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T193000Z DTEND:20190810T203000Z SUMMARY:Artconomy DESCRIPTION:Learn how to make commissioning as fun and easy online as it is at a con\, and get tips on selling your art as well! CATEGORIES:ART LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:57bcac7c2fe7b8fb2ab20853e9f89d29 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T200000Z DTEND:20190810T210000Z SUMMARY:The Dragget Show Live DESCRIPTION:Join Xander the Dragon\, Alkali the Ferret\, and a special guest or 2. These guys record a podcast live at Megaplex! Come watch as they talk about anything and everything and nothing. CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:900117915ddc9c27092c9dfebb44d6db URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T200000Z DTEND:20190810T210000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:97eff46323653ad25603a0a6d98de529 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T203000Z DTEND:20190810T213000Z SUMMARY:So You Want to Be Creative? DESCRIPTION:This is more of a sit-down and draw styled panel! If you are looking for somewhere to sit and try your hand at traditional art or even learn new tips and tricks for all crafts while making some potential friends this would be the panel for you. CATEGORIES:ART LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:c2b97d933b734975cdf04ec4c46816ac URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T203000Z DTEND:20190810T213000Z SUMMARY:Let's Play Pavlov! DESCRIPTION:Ever wonder what it's like to be the dog in training? Pavlov is a quirky\, surreal party game that will have you "drooling" for more. (That was a science joke! Yay!) CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:ce5e3a7a8c21b9c40c3aa252598d4e01 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T203000Z DTEND:20190810T223000Z SUMMARY:Fursuit Dance Competition DESCRIPTION:Our Dance Competition is back! Come see one of the most popular events in the fandom live! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:125a2af02575bca5219660399d013358 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T203000Z DTEND:20190810T233000Z SUMMARY:Babyfur/Kidfur Meet Up (18+) DESCRIPTION:A friendly gathering of Babyfurs\, Kidfurs\, caretakers\, or anyone interested in meeting some new friends! Hen-Ren joins Playbill Pup to bring this fun filled meet to Megaplex for the 6th year! (18+) CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:09dee1cb721710e260c1a90086f268da URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T210000Z DTEND:20190810T220000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f89b7eb6ce7f6da449543677e565375c URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T210000Z DTEND:20190810T220000Z SUMMARY:Alternative Fuel Vehicle Enthusiasts Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:Own a vehicle powered by an "alternative" fuel source\, or are you interested in learning about vehicles not powered by a fossil-fuel-guzzling internal combustion engine? Whether or not you have a car\, truck\, motorcycle\, scooter\, bicycle\, or other vehicle powered by electric batteries\, biodiesel\, hydrogen\, or some other non-traditional fuel\, if you want to talk to furs that do\, this meet & greet is for you. CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:94468277ab113ef0366b00b4a08d2b46 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T213000Z DTEND:20190810T223000Z SUMMARY:Fatfur Meet & Greet (18+) DESCRIPTION:A meet and greet for furries whose particular interest involves those of a rounder stature! (18+) CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:5d0b8d5e637a498c1ea796149aa4de6c URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T220000Z DTEND:20190810T230000Z SUMMARY:Open Mic & Comedy Basics DESCRIPTION:Have a stand-up routine you want to try out? Want to tell a story you think will give us a chuckle? Come try it out at Megaplex Open Mic! One could not ask for a friendlier atmosphere - after your act\, be ready to receive some helpful good natured critiques from the panel hosts. All performers are limited to 3 to 5 minute sets depending on turnout. CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:5a0acb6512e00ce77a61c6a7607007d0 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T220000Z DTEND:20190810T230000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:a5c3e4bd3ed0a483bfe81800384d98f5 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T223000Z DTEND:20190811T003000Z SUMMARY:Spiritual Intro to Otherkin/Therian (18+) DESCRIPTION:Do you feel like your mind and body are connected to some other non human life-force? Heard the terms and are unsure? Come to share and learn what spiritual connection is all about. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:1083ca07bebba998653db7e3bcbf8e43 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T230000Z DTEND:20190811T000000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:8c73dac709f2509d7e624da8d3a778bc URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T230000Z DTEND:20190811T000000Z SUMMARY:Hardcore Nerdcore Punk Rock DESCRIPTION:Nerdcore Punk Rock comes to Megaplex when Rhythm Bastard cranks it up to 11! You like video games? Comics? Card games? Come on down and open the pit up! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:d98dcdd9b0e6637fac5278b937ab5a70 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T233000Z DTEND:20190811T010000Z SUMMARY:Art Jam DESCRIPTION:You are invited to the party! Come doodle & chill with us in an environment that's all about making new artwork and new friends. This event encourages friendly advice & critique. Side effects include: networking\, artistic growth\, and giggles. CATEGORIES:ART LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:afe20d1d9e576ab7fe067fbd5c42787b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190810T233000Z DTEND:20190811T003000Z SUMMARY:Challenge SonicFox for Charity DESCRIPTION:Think you can beat SonicFox? For a small donation you can test your skills. CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:4d2b2869965c0f03b931d9f9e67926c9 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T000000Z DTEND:20190811T010000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:1abd3142cee7b1c5addf23b553e21c6f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T000000Z DTEND:20190811T010000Z SUMMARY:Character Hoarders Anonymous DESCRIPTION:Do you have way too many characters? Do you adopt\, create\, or commission new ones constantly? Do you not even know the exact number off hand? Well if any of these sound like you\, then please come on down to Character Hoarders Anonymous\, a meetup for all of us who have more characters than we know what to do with. Here you can show off your precious characters to others\, network\, and hear tips from other hoarders about how to bring all those characters to life! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:b842c42d45c495d927704f2632fbd06b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T000000Z DTEND:20190811T010000Z SUMMARY:Synthetic Furs DESCRIPTION:A place to say hi to new friends whether they be Gooey\, Robotic\, Squeaky and any variations thereupon. Come see what makes us tick (literally!) CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:01c4144c341271ab0cdafc2def94bb85 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T003000Z DTEND:20190811T013000Z SUMMARY:Furs of Color DESCRIPTION:Back at Megaplex for its second year\, in this panel\, we discuss the intersections of being a fur and being a person of color. All are welcome! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:07539edf92931da12c26b4930fa01cc6 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T010000Z DTEND:20190811T020000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:35d36fe1a65d95089d50e590db63149e URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T010000Z DTEND:20190811T050000Z SUMMARY:Karaoke with Kryos DESCRIPTION:Come sing your heart out! CATEGORIES:KARAOKE LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:681c3e495d905204fab7ebc9f5b904f3 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T010000Z DTEND:20190811T020000Z SUMMARY:Night of Mystery and Magic at the Royale DESCRIPTION:Join the Dragonborn Paladin\, Veckoza Faaj'zokt\, and the Human Wizard\, Alec Perea-Martinez\, in a night full of wonder and magic that'll not only have you seeing\, but also believing. Prepare yourself to see an hour's worth of Illusions of legitimately professional quality\, and maybe have a few laughs along the way. So\, bring those fuzzy tails over to a "Night of Mystery and Magic at the Royale!" CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:529d183da3266c60502e5f1b34c165a0 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T010000Z DTEND:20190811T023000Z SUMMARY:Overcoming Social Anxiety DESCRIPTION:Social anxiety effects many. With personal stories from the hosts\, learn how to deal with it and other mental hurdles. Help is not out of reach. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:328faba69d32a8a1d25737ffe1eb69a9 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T013000Z DTEND:20190811T033000Z SUMMARY:Cards Vs. Humanity Charity Event (18+) DESCRIPTION:Join us for a charity event unlike any other at Megaplex. Free for everyone to enjoy\, but a donation is required to get your paws on a black card\, or a bigger blacker card. (18+) CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:73b01d07261327ac132cb4d45ce8e504 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T013000Z DTEND:20190811T023000Z SUMMARY:Furry in Anime DESCRIPTION:Experience cultural diversity through eastern animation. Japanese anime is a medium in which fantastic stories are told\, and some of them include wolves! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:c06a73149f772d0c0e0e9ab70e09b906 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T013000Z DTEND:20190811T023000Z SUMMARY:Haunting 101 with Puck & Nanook DESCRIPTION:Haunting Season is just around the corner\, and with Halloween's rise in attention more people are joining the Haunt scene. Join seasoned haunt professionals Puck and Nook as they go over the basics creating a character\, becoming your character\, proper prop handling\, voice techniques\, and much more. Possible special guests appearances. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:e0734255d687d101430a432ab6fdc65a URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T020000Z DTEND:20190811T033000Z SUMMARY:How to Be the Best at Online RP After Dark (18+) DESCRIPTION:If you're new to erotic role play online or just want to refine your improvised wordsmithery\, join an expert in the genre. Learn how to keep a scene dynamic\, how to generate a premise\, and some words that you can't use in polite company! (18+) CATEGORIES:WRITING LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:4c8adf9ab624b81fc4e290229a108e71 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T030000Z DTEND:20190811T050000Z SUMMARY:Puck: What Am I Doing? (18+) DESCRIPTION:PUCK RETURNS TO STAGE! From furry hate speech\, to drunken rants\, to torture shows\, follow Puck on a journey filled with comedy\, magic\, and friends in his new late night show as he explores the two most important questions: How did he get here? And what is he doing? (18+) CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:c498dfab649ecb1057e40ddf7120fa35 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T030000Z DTEND:20190811T040000Z SUMMARY:Dances - Recca DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Saturday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:2957a2eecf893531d95f86859453c57e URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T030000Z DTEND:20190811T060000Z SUMMARY:Inflatable Animal Toys Meet & Greet (18+) DESCRIPTION:Come and mingle with a bunch of giant inflatable animals! This panel allows everyone to interact with pooltoys hands-on\, ask questions\, and learn all about 'squeakies'. An inflatable repair demonstration will be given. Fursuiters welcome! (18+) CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:655dfa24eac30c543e1dc342bd19f88a URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T040000Z DTEND:20190811T060000Z SUMMARY:Con Chairs Unleashed! (18+) DESCRIPTION:Join Hino (our chairman) and Senior staff from other Furry Conventions in a lighthearted conversation about what its really like to run a furry convention. (18+) CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:e9355d53a456fd0c38c3debc3d2d0e83 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T040000Z DTEND:20190811T060000Z SUMMARY:Storytime with Leon (18+) DESCRIPTION:Join us for a mixed media extravaganza of fun. Part writing. Part improv. Part Ricky horror. Join Leon and his team of friends as they give you a tingling experience you'll never forget as we read and perform a hilarious story for your amusement. But the audience can join in too! We'll need your help to enjoy the absurd worlds of bad porn and fanfiction stories! Don't worry. While some of the team might know what's coming\, Leon is just as in the dark as you! He'll be experiencing the story for the first time\, live in an overdramatic cold read\, and who knows what might happen if you get him laughing! (18+) CATEGORIES:COMEDY LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:91da0b7ee89f3869f580695feace54f2 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T040000Z DTEND:20190811T050000Z SUMMARY:Dances - MurDur DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Saturday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:b0896f4c6e3b47b1e1bd1294051840fb URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T050000Z DTEND:20190811T060000Z SUMMARY:Dances - KaiZa DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Saturday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:d782ab7a772b740ef52da0cddc1cbd69 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T050000Z DTEND:20190811T060000Z SUMMARY:Raccoon Meet Up DESCRIPTION:A relaxed meetup for all our masked friends! Feel free to bring something shiny to show off! Raccoon-adjacent species\, other nocturnal creatures\, and anyone who just wants to show up are also welcome to come join in the chittering fun! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 5\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:02a9e6a2c70ec64597c63bf227d497d9 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T110000Z DTEND:20190811T130000Z SUMMARY:Grey Muzzle Breakfast DESCRIPTION:Join other Gray Muzzles for breakfast at the hotel restaurant! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Hotel Restaurant\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:edef31886a50bacbef5b0adb0440b4a2 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T123000Z DTEND:20190811T133000Z SUMMARY:Megaplex Board Meeting (Public) DESCRIPTION:Sit down and hear our Quarterly Board Meeting for FLUFF (FL United Furry Fandom). Open to the public. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:0b6e0895cdb4764d4830370ec9ed06c4 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T130000Z DTEND:20190811T220000Z SUMMARY:Game Room DESCRIPTION:Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right A B Start playing Games in the Game Room! CATEGORIES:GAME ROOM LOCATION:Game Room\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:839975b26c87d94874ff79e725647648 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T130000Z DTEND:20190811T220000Z SUMMARY:Information Desk DESCRIPTION:Have a Question? Ask our Information Desk! CATEGORIES:INFO DESK LOCATION:Outside Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:6d2891fd8d8cfec4dc5164a30de64716 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T130000Z DTEND:20190811T160000Z SUMMARY:Registration DESCRIPTION:Make sure to pick up your badge before you join us in the convention space! CATEGORIES:REGISTRATION LOCATION:Registration\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:10112f18d71c19e46c442594b5c9bbfe URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T130000Z DTEND:20190811T223000Z SUMMARY:Sponsor's Suite DESCRIPTION:Are you a Sponsor or above this year? Join us for some free snacks and meals while at the convention! CATEGORIES:SPONSOR'S SUITE LOCATION:Sponsor's Suite\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f3cf2202eb76b70852cf32e5ba096c0a URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T140000Z DTEND:20190811T220000Z SUMMARY:Artists Alley DESCRIPTION:Buy all the arts and things! CATEGORIES:ARTISTS ALLEY LOCATION:Artists Alley\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f46811bfb753281ddce3ec5faf5cd9b5 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T140000Z DTEND:20190811T220000Z SUMMARY:Dealer's Den DESCRIPTION:Buy all the arts and things! CATEGORIES:DEALER'S DEN LOCATION:Dealer's Den\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:dc6ddb1283dad323c17a086d4e50c08b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T140000Z DTEND:20190811T150000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:8512b8adaf8301add4c9ac082c360ae2 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T140000Z DTEND:20190811T220000Z SUMMARY:Furshoot DESCRIPTION:Come get your photo taken with Furshoot CATEGORIES:FURSHOOT LOCATION:Furshoot\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:4de9e951eb98e8f1ef0e36ca97c2143d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T140000Z DTEND:20190811T150000Z SUMMARY:CARE Presentation DESCRIPTION:There will be adorable live animals AND you can get your photo with them when you donate to help them! Come learn about our charity partner\, the CARE Foundation\, and what they do! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:7fdb71c30fdad07c6f139fad5de474e9 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T150000Z DTEND:20190811T160000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:1d6f51f3bf1fdc7c29e709b0f4c7d17c URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T150000Z DTEND:20190811T170000Z SUMMARY:Charity Auction DESCRIPTION:Bid on an eclectic selection of goodies from the sublime to the ridiculous. All proceeds go to the CARE Foundation\, an animal rescue and wildlife education facility here in Orange County\, FL. CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:08d3d41c708d4fa0fcb0e35e8d7ccec3 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T150000Z DTEND:20190811T163000Z SUMMARY:Livestream Furs: Getting Started and More DESCRIPTION:Ever wanted to livestream and aren't sure how to get started? Maybe you already do and want to learn something new? Join us as we go over what you need to general tips and tricks of streaming to Twitch or Picarto. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:80dd92ff53b8777f7e607046284c458b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T150000Z DTEND:20190811T160000Z SUMMARY:The Hope Panel DESCRIPTION:What are you looking for that you can't find or you can't get? Life is always looking to make things more difficult\, but there is hope. Come and let us work together to get you closer to what you truly want. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:cd1fa1f9084fe085a6ed7265869ae396 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T150000Z DTEND:20190811T160000Z SUMMARY:What is Furry Broadcasting Network (FBN) DESCRIPTION:Come Learn what Furry Broadcasting Network is - an ever growing music company. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:d099d4b53e436119260ed983ac803051 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T160000Z DTEND:20190811T170000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:a174934881f0b1856f594126f38c7668 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T160000Z DTEND:20190811T180000Z SUMMARY:The Ins and Outs of Certain Makers! DESCRIPTION:Join Hyper\, Sayori\, and Parthena to tell you about the ins and outs of fursuit makers! This panel will be great for younger furs who want to get recommendations for certain suit makers\, adults who want to get a suit and want to hear some information about great suits\, or just anyone in general if you are looking for suit makers or just want to listen! We will also teach people on how to take care of certain suit brands\, including demonstations! CATEGORIES:FURSUIT LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:a3a3cde98b9ca68ed5962673d0579989 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T163000Z DTEND:20190811T173000Z SUMMARY:Fursuiting in Public DESCRIPTION:Want to try your hand at suiting outside of convention spaces? Come learn the ins and outs of performing in public\, from experienced public fursuiters! Learn how to chose locations and events\, what to expect\, how to interact with the public\, safety concerns and much more. CATEGORIES:FURSUIT LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:20f7e88375c3f25c66b176e22c71adc1 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T170000Z DTEND:20190811T180000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:ba9f0ef67637b4b1080e7c5380a785cb URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T170000Z DTEND:20190811T210000Z SUMMARY:Super Smash Bros Ultimate\, Dragon Ball Fighterz\, & Skull Girls Tournaments! DESCRIPTION:Put your gaming skills to the test in a professional bracket system hosted by Juicy Game Night! Sign ups are first come\, first serve in the first hour. Trophies will be rewarded to the top 3 finalist of each game. Rules for each game will be showcased the day of the event. CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:0b4f56c8f023f484918e5b638728280d URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T170000Z DTEND:20190811T180000Z SUMMARY:Furry Siblings Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:Is your interest in furries a family affair? Come down and meet with other furries who take part in the community with their family members! Hosted by two sisters\, we welcome attendees to share stories of what it's been like to be furry alongside family members\, and we will be taking a group pic! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:a3bdd49e3630506519d7b5dbfa3429cb URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T170000Z DTEND:20190811T180000Z SUMMARY:Rabbit & Rabbit Hybrid Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:Back by popular demand! Just a little get together for the lapine types in the fandom! There will be a few long-ear related games and a bunny hop dance at the end if you wish to participate! Come share some stories\, some games\, and a little dance to celebrate your lapine heritage! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:de8cdc50eb3865c80ceb9fcaf0775010 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T173000Z DTEND:20190811T183000Z SUMMARY:Furry Jeopardy! DESCRIPTION:Come play Jeopardy!\, the classic game of answers and questions with a furry twist! Players will receive prizes and select audience members can win small prizes\, too! CATEGORIES:GAMES LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:31a08162bbd77ce4b2b063960fffb90e URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T180000Z DTEND:20190811T190000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f76f019f0deb039b2c0cf59a1c0d38e2 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T183000Z DTEND:20190811T193000Z SUMMARY:Furby Meet DESCRIPTION:A meet for those adorable little lovecraftian boys. Come meet others interested in furbies and bring your own to show off! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:0937cb27f5e685a36a91c0be1577bff8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T183000Z DTEND:20190811T200000Z SUMMARY:When the Going Gets Rough DESCRIPTION:A motivational comedic speech about how everything can go oh so wrong and then turn to oh so right. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:b84a67b29b30e9d0f4433a1dc5db8718 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T183000Z DTEND:20190811T193000Z SUMMARY:All About RAWR!: The Furry Fandom's Only Residential Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:In 2015\, a group of furry writers gathered together to start planning for the furry fandom's first (and currently only) residential writing workshop experience: the Regional Anthropomorphic Writers Retreat. The retreat takes place in a live-in setting where up to six writers live\, breathe\, and eat together while honing elements of their craft by critiquing\, through lectures\, and through individualized coaching. Today\, RAWR is a program of the Association for the Promotion of Anthropomorphic Writing\, Incorporated\, a federally-recognized 501(c)3 tax-exempt public charity dedicated to educating\, promoting\, and raising awareness of furry writers\, and providing writing-associated content education to the general public. The purpose of this panel is to provide information about the Regional Anthropomorphic Writers Retreat\, including costs\, expectations\, and the application process. Photos of the previous classes will also be shared and there will be time for general questions. Note that his is NOT a writing workshop session; no writing will be shared or critiqued at this presentation. CATEGORIES:WRITING LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:57b16255097e81bd84ed39504f6ce5a5 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T190000Z DTEND:20190811T200000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:c737a434f2d471cf4b5cd43026f67eba URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T190000Z DTEND:20190811T210000Z SUMMARY:Floor Wars DESCRIPTION:Floor Wars is back again! Come see dancers battle head to head in an improv dance battle\, both in suit and out of suit! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:0ec671363ccc325b6f21a105bfc50f0f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T193000Z DTEND:20190811T210000Z SUMMARY:Well Everyone… I'm a Furry DESCRIPTION:Hiding your hobby from your friends and family? Come join Sendemi and Argon as they go over the basics of how to be openly furry with your loved ones. Learn about different approaches\, how to overcome stereotypes\, and how this community benefits the world. Great for anyone looking for ways to be open about being a furry\, as well as curious parents of new furries! CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:e2cc62d5d0d4d2219bd393a3b7d3095f URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T200000Z DTEND:20190811T210000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:f0e780cf78cb5179c923d14c2dd9d6ce URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T200000Z DTEND:20190811T210000Z SUMMARY:Bleat Meet DESCRIPTION:A meet for all the hoofers\, bleats\, and baas. Fursuits welcome! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:cd013d11fe50fbf5e09178b55aacf132 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T200000Z DTEND:20190811T210000Z SUMMARY:Creative Writing Process DESCRIPTION:Creative writing: Tips\, tricks\, resources and everything else you can think of. Rather than critiquing already-written work\, this panel will be more about the creative writing process in itself - overcoming writer's block\, utilizing writing prompts\, planning out your story\, etc. CATEGORIES:WRITING LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:11828c805a8b0eb1bf85eda783d33fc2 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T210000Z DTEND:20190811T220000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:4bc72619bfbad10167d95b0164ba4c7c URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T213000Z DTEND:20190811T223000Z SUMMARY:Preventing Injury while Performing/Dancing DESCRIPTION:Come discuss injury risks and prevention while being a high intensity performer. Panel will include review/discussion of previous notable injuries sustained by performers. CATEGORIES:DANCE LOCATION:Panels 3\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:49de28059d379e2be32a28e7a17d3b09 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T213000Z DTEND:20190811T230000Z SUMMARY:Space Furs Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:Do you like spaceships? How about rockets? So do we! Come hang out and chat with like-minded friends. All aerospace enthusiasts and professionals are welcome! SPAAAACE! CATEGORIES:MEET & GREET LOCATION:Panels 2\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:7b900244946d73dda5c8c703ed9bd181 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T213000Z DTEND:20190811T223000Z SUMMARY:Conquering Post-Con Depression (PCD) Once & For All DESCRIPTION:The end always hurts. Take stock of an amazing weekend and learn how the pros stop post-con depression in its tracks with proven techniques. CATEGORIES:SOCIAL LOCATION:Panels 1\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:aa9b580ba6d56e160af6ac9327ffcfbf URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T213000Z DTEND:20190811T223000Z SUMMARY:How to Make a Children's Book! DESCRIPTION:Do you enjoy writing or drawing? If YES\, then this panel is for you! In this panel MetricVoid will be presenting how to create a children's book; from concept to the finished project\, and how to get into the business of children's literature. Supplies like pencils\, colored pencils\, lined paper and blank paper will be provided\, feel free to bring your own supplies\, sketchbooks\, ect. CATEGORIES:WRITING LOCATION:Panels 4\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:8b78617ae902b060a8ccca46339b1f14 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T220000Z DTEND:20190811T230000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:1e1b5f2339d9df5fb9dcc5ea142d6df8 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T230000Z DTEND:20190812T000000Z SUMMARY:Fuzzy Logic Exclusive - Megaplex Escape Room! DESCRIPTION:Reserve your ticket today for Megaplex's one-of-a-kind escape room\, made by GoH JD Puppy and his company Fuzzy Logic Escape Room! This game will NOT be held at any other convention\, and you can take home select pieces with you as they get sold during the charity auction!An Escape Room is like a real life video game puzzle room - teams of up to 6 people will solve puzzles and unlock prized containers by using clues\, hints\, and tools that everyone finds around the room before the 30-minute timer runs out!Your team is called on by Pounce the magician as emergency stagehands to help assemble and prepare the show's finale - 30 minutes should be plenty of time\, but when you head backstage\, you realize that everything's been rearranged\, some of it even packed away! You have to act fast - will the audience be disappointed with a dud of a trick\, or will you be able to give them the finale they deserve? The show must go on! CATEGORIES:ESCAPE ROOM LOCATION:Escape Room (Hibiscus)\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:38e6c08c6462c496ee0d1da4b34a125b URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190811T230000Z DTEND:20190812T000000Z SUMMARY:Closing Ceremonies DESCRIPTION:Relive the memories\, find out what this year's statistics were\, and get a sneak peak at new things for Megaplex 2020! CATEGORIES:MAIN EVENTS LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:b4346d38909e312ddf56ad7f2aeb9f1e URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190812T000000Z DTEND:20190812T040000Z SUMMARY:Karaoke with Kryos DESCRIPTION:Come sing your heart out! CATEGORIES:KARAOKE LOCATION:Tournaments\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:1c96f3b8370a095f8cee3c6a4274c825 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190812T010000Z DTEND:20190812T020000Z SUMMARY:Dances - Nitro & Darius Fang DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Sunday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:8514f9a94dff7e0cd15b28df87f9ea24 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190812T013000Z DTEND:20190812T020000Z SUMMARY:Sunday Fursuit Parade Lineup DESCRIPTION:Make sure to make your way to the headless lounge if you want to join us for the sunday fursuit parade! CATEGORIES: LOCATION:Headless Lounge\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:68dc81016ccb8aaa72448a0a5488ec53 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190812T020000Z DTEND:20190812T030000Z SUMMARY:Dances - Takum DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Sunday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:9cc73fdb5e6896ef5bc51340b6759cdc URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190812T020000Z DTEND:20190812T030000Z SUMMARY:Sunday Fursuit Parade DESCRIPTION:One fateful year at Megaplex\, after the fursuiters toiled along the grueling sweaty trail of misery in Florida heat\, some absolute genius surveyed the damage and said "Do it again." Thus the Sunday Fursuit Parade was born. This is a great chance to watch or participate if you missed the first parade or have another suit to show off! The parade typically ends inside the Dead Dog dance. (Don't tell the DJ. It's much more fun when they don't know what's coming.) Want to LEAD THE PARADE? With the right bid at the Charity Auction on Sunday at 11am\, the chance is yours! CATEGORIES:FURSUIT LOCATION:Headless Lounge\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:1fbf3a979632b59114944e11b25919c6 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190812T030000Z DTEND:20190812T040000Z SUMMARY:Dances - Dox Drakes DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Sunday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:1b03598fb3200dc9852e2271ec59ef06 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20190819T035004Z DTSTART:20190812T040000Z DTEND:20190812T050000Z SUMMARY:Dances - Runetooth DESCRIPTION:Join us for a dance on Sunday! CATEGORIES:DANCES - DJ LOCATION:Main Events\, 8101 World Center Dr\, Orlando\, FL 32821\, USA SEQUENCE:0 UID:8f776c030aeeab9776dd717c93c08792 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR