
140 lines
7.6 KiB

- include 'html5doctype.html'
- load sass_tags
- load static
- load i18n
- block 'title'
FurmeetApp Bot
%link{'href': "{% static 'favicon.png' %}", 'rel': 'shortcut icon', 'type': "image/png"}
%link{'href': "{% sass_src 'dashboard.sass' %}", 'rel': "stylesheet", 'type': "text/css"}
%link{'href': "{% static 'font-awesome-4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css' %}", 'rel': 'stylesheet', 'type': "text/css"}
%a{'href': "{% url 'home' %}"}
Chat Bot
- if tg_user
- if group_id
%h3{'class': "{% if request.resolver_match.url_name|slice:':12' == 'manage_group' %}active{% endif %}"}<
= group.telegram_title
%li{'class': "{% if request.resolver_match.url_name == 'manage_group' %}active{% endif %}"}<
%a{'href': "{% url 'manage_group' group_id %}"}<
%span>= ' '
%li{'class': "{% if request.resolver_match.url_name == 'manage_group_antispam' %}active{% endif %}"}<
%a{'href': "{% url 'manage_group_antispam' group_id %}"}<
%span>= ' '
%li{'class': "{% if request.resolver_match.url_name == 'manage_group_captcha' %}active{% endif %}"}<
%a{'href': "{% url 'manage_group_captcha' group_id %}"}<
%span>= ' '
%li{'class': "{% if request.resolver_match.url_name == 'manage_group_cannedmessages' %}active{% endif %}"}<
%a{'href': "{% url 'manage_group_cannedmessages' group_id %}"}<
%span>= ' '
Canned Messages
- if request.resolver_match.url_name == 'manage_group_cannedmessage'
%li{'class': "{% if request.resolver_match.url_name == 'manage_group_cannedmessage' %}active{% endif %}"}<
%a{'href': "{% url 'manage_group_cannedmessages' group_id %}"}<
%span>= ' '
Edit Canned Message
%li{'class': "{% if request.resolver_match.url_name == 'manage_group_joinleave' %}active{% endif %}"}<
%a{'href': "{% url 'manage_group_joinleave' group_id %}"}<
%span>= ' '
Join/Leave Greetings
Users' area
%li{'class': "{% if request.resolver_match.url_name|slice:':13' == 'control_panel' %}active{% endif %}"}<
%a{'href': "{% url 'control_panel' %}"}<
%span>= ' '
Control Panel
Site navigation
%li{'class': "{% if request.resolver_match.url_name == 'home' %}active{% endif %}"}<
%a{'href': "{% url 'home' %}"}<
%span>= ' '
%li{'class': "{% if request.resolver_match.url_name == 'terms' %}active{% endif %}"}<
%a{'href': "{% url 'terms' %}"}<
%span>= ' '
Terms of Service
%li{'class': "{% if request.resolver_match.url_name == 'privacy' %}active{% endif %}"}<
%a{'href': "{% url 'privacy' %}"}<
%span>= ' '
Privacy Policy
© 2020 All rights reserved
- block 'header'
- block 'headerText'
- if settings.BOT_NAME
- if tg_user
%span>= tg_user.name
%span>= tg_user.telegram_id
%a.btn.btn-danger(href="{% url 'logout' %}")
Log out
- else
Log in
Invite to group
- else
Problem: BOT_NAME is unset
- block 'content'
- block 'footer'
This service would not possible as is without:
, an instant message app by Telegram LLC
%a(href="https://cas.chat/")>Combot Anti-Spam System
, a blacklist for known Telegram spammers that requires an active link and a "Powered by CAS" in bot's description
, a template that inspired this one you're seeing
%a(href="https://github.com/angular/components/blob/master/src/material/core/theming/_palette.scss")>Angular's Material Palette
, a color palette with great-looking colors
%a(href="https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/")>Font Awesome
, a free pictographic language of web-related actions
%a(href="{% url 'python_licenses' %}")>These other Python projects
, which are powers this web application