%h3 Privacy policy %p We try to keep as less data as possible, as long as it doesn't make new functionality development harder. %p The data that we keep in our servers are: %ul %li A shared secret that keeps your browser attached with your account in our website. %li Your user identifier at Telegram and your name there. %li All bot tokens you register, while the bot is registered as active. %li All canned responses you configure while the bot is configured for your group. %li All custom translation while the bot is configured for your group. %li All other the configuration while the bot is configured for your group. %li Removing the bot from the group doesn't unlink or delete any canned response. %li If the CAPTCHA functionality is enabled, an user identifier will remain stored while the user doesn't typy the characters from the image correctly, doesn't exceed the maximum attempt limit and doesn't exceed the time limit. %p The data that goes to 3rd party servers are: %ul %li If the Anti-Spam functionality provided by CAS is enabled, we will share the user identifier of all users who enter your group with the API provided by %span>= ' ' %a(href="https://cas.chat")> CAS.CHAT ='.' %p The act of erase your account unlinks all data previously linked and erase them from our servers. %p We will update this text when new functionality gets added or regulations oblige us to retain them.