- extends 'base.haml' - block 'title' Control Panel | {{ block.super }} - block 'headerText' Control Panel - block 'content' .cardSection .cardTitle %h3 Your chats - if tg_user.manages.all %em.textMuted Chats you can manage: %ul - for group in tg_user.manages.all - spaceless %li %a{'href': "{% url 'manage_group' group.id %}"} = group.telegram_title %small ({{ group.telegram_id }}) - else - spaceless %em.textMuted You cannot manage any group the bot is in. .cardSection .cardTitle %h3 Your bots %ul - spaceless - for bot in tg_user.bots.all %li = bot.as_user.name @{{ bot.telegram_username }} %small ({{ bot.telegram_id }}) %big.btn-outline.btn-outline-danger %a{'href': "{% url 'control_panel_delete_bot' bot.id %}"}< %i.fa.fa-times.clr-danger %li.textMuted @{{ settings.BOT_NAME }} (the shared bot) %div %form.singleLinerPair{'method': 'POST', 'action': "{% url 'control_panel_add_bot' %}"} %input{'type': 'text', 'placeholder': 'bot123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11', 'name': 'token'}/ %button.btn.btn-success %i.fa.fa-plus - csrf_token .cardSection .cardTitle %h3 Delete your account %p< To delete your account, type " %em> Yes, delete my account and all its data " on the box below and submit. %form.singleLinerPair{'method': 'POST', 'action': "{% url 'control_panel_delete_account' %}"} %input{'type': 'text', 'placeholder': 'Yes, delete my account and all its data', 'name': 'confirmation'}/ %button.btn.btn-danger %i.fa.fa-trash - csrf_token