import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams, AlertController } from 'ionic-angular'; import { ListItem } from "../../../models/class/ListItem"; import { DaoListItem } from "../../../providers/dao/dao-listitem.service"; import { Toast } from "@ionic-native/toast"; import { ListItemListPage } from "../list-item-list-page/list-item-list-page"; import { Product } from "../../../models/class/Product"; import { DaoProduct } from "../../../providers/dao/dao-product.service"; /** * Generated class for the ListItemCreatePage page. * * See for more info * on Ionic pages and navigation. */ @IonicPage() @Component({ selector: 'page-list-item-create-page', templateUrl: 'list-item-create-page.html', }) export class ListItemCreatePage { _listItem: ListItem; _listProducts: Product[]; constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, public alert: AlertController, private _daoListItem: DaoListItem, private _daoProduct: DaoProduct, private _toast: Toast) { this._listItem = navParams.get("parametro") || new ListItem(); this._listItem.iListProduct = []; this._daoProduct.getAll().then((produtos) => { this._listProducts = produtos; }); } salvar() { if ((typeof (this._listItem.sName) !== 'undefined') && (this._listItem.iListProduct.length > 0)) { if (this._listItem.nId > 0) { this._daoListItem.update(this._listItem).then((data) => { console.log("expected => " + data); if (data) {"Lista de Itens editada com sucesso", '1500', 'center').subscribe( toast => { console.log(toast); } ); this.navCtrl.setRoot(ListItemListPage); } }).catch((erro) => { console.log("erro => " + erro); }) } else { this._daoListItem.create(this._listItem).then((data) => { console.log("expected => " + data); if (data) { this._listItem.nId = data.insertId; this._daoListItem.createAux(this._listItem); this.navCtrl.setRoot(ListItemListPage); } }).catch((erro) => { console.log("erro => " + erro); }) } this.navCtrl.setRoot(ListItemListPage); } else { let confirm = this.alert.create({ title: "Ops...", subTitle: "Por favor verifique se a lista tem um nome ou se vocĂȘ escolheu algum produto.", buttons: [ { text: "OK", handler: () => { } } ] }); confirm.present(); } } }