
210 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from CloudFlare import CloudFlare
from ..configurator import Configurator
from typing import List, Optional
from typing import Dict
from typing import Tuple
class CloudFlareConfigurator(Configurator):
def _needs(self) -> List[str]:
return [
def _work(
domains: List[str],
dkim_keys: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]],
cf_api: Tuple[str, str],
vm_ips: Tuple[str, str],
dmarc_mail: str,
secondary: Tuple[str, Optional[str], Optional[str]],
) -> None:
cf: CloudFlare = CloudFlare(email=cf_api[0], token=cf_api[1])
zones: List[Dict[str, str]] = cf.zones.get(params={'per_page': 100})
ip4, ip6 = vm_ips
for zone in zones:
zone_name: str = zone['name']
if zone_name not in domains:
zone_id: str = zone['id']
dns_records: List[Dict[str, str]
] = cf.zones.dns_records.get(zone_id)
# print(zone_name)
# for dns_record in dns_records:
# print(dns_record)
# DKIM records
dkim_key_dict: Dict[str, str] = dkim_keys[zone_name]
needs_adding_key = [True, True]
dkim_key: str = "v={0}; k={1}; p={2}".format(
dkim_key_dict['v'], dkim_key_dict['k'], dkim_key_dict['p'])
for wild in range(2):
for dns_record in dns_records:
if dns_record['type'] != 'TXT' or not dns_record['name'].endswith('._domainkey.'+('*.'*wild)+zone_name):
existing_key: str = dns_record['content']
if dkim_key == existing_key:
needs_adding_key[wild] = False
dns_record_id: str = dns_record['id']
cf.zones.dns_records.delete(zone_id, dns_record_id)
if needs_adding_key[wild]:
new_record: Dict[str, str] = {
'name': 'mail._domainkey.'+('*.'*wild)+zone_name,
'type': 'TXT',
'content': dkim_key,
cf.zones.dns_records.post(zone_id, data=new_record)
# No CAAs or CNAMEs
for dns_record in dns_records:
if dns_record['type'] in ['CAA', 'CNAME']:
cf.zones.dns_records.delete(zone_id, dns_record['id'])
# A and AAAA records
sec_a_records_matrix = [[False, False], [False, False]]
a_records_matrix = [[False, False], [False, False]]
for dns_record in dns_records:
if dns_record['type'] not in ['A', 'AAAA']:
expectedContent = ip4 if dns_record['type'] == 'A' else ip6
expectedContentSecondary = secondary[1] if dns_record['type'] == 'A' else secondary[2]
if dns_record['content'] == expectedContent:
a_records_matrix[int(dns_record['type'] == 'A')][int(
dns_record['name'].startswith('*.'))] = True
elif dns_record['name'] in [zone_name, '*.'+zone_name]:
a_records_matrix[int(dns_record['type'] == 'A')][int(
dns_record['name'].startswith('*.'))] = True
new_record = {
'id': dns_record['id'],
'name': dns_record['name'],
'type': dns_record['type'],
'content': expectedContent,
zone_id, dns_record['id'], data=new_record)
elif expectedContentSecondary is not None and dns_record['name'] in [f'{secondary[0]}.{zone_name}', f'*.{secondary[0]}.{zone_name}']:
sec_a_records_matrix[int(dns_record['type'] == 'A')][int(
dns_record['name'].startswith('*.'))] = True
if dns_record['content'] != expectedContentSecondary:
new_record = {
'id': dns_record['id'],
'name': dns_record['name'],
'type': dns_record['type'],
'content': expectedContent,
zone_id, dns_record['id'], data=new_record)
cf.zones.dns_records.delete(zone_id, dns_record['id'])
for v4t_v6f, k in enumerate(a_records_matrix):
v4t_v6f = bool(v4t_v6f)
for wild, created in enumerate(k):
wild = bool(wild)
if not created:
cf.zones.dns_records.post(zone_id, data={
'name': (int(wild)*'*.')+zone_name,
'type': 'A' if v4t_v6f else 'AAAA',
'content': ip4 if v4t_v6f else ip6,
for v4t_v6f, k in enumerate(sec_a_records_matrix):
v4t_v6f = bool(v4t_v6f)
for wild, created in enumerate(k):
wild = bool(wild)
expectedContentSecondary = secondary[1] if v4t_v6f else secondary[2]
if not created and expectedContentSecondary is not None:
cf.zones.dns_records.post(zone_id, data={
'name': (int(wild)*'*.')+secondary[0]+'.'+zone_name,
'type': 'A' if v4t_v6f else 'AAAA',
'content': expectedContentSecondary,
# DMARC records
dmarc_okays = [False, False]
dmarc_value = 'v=DMARC1; p=reject; rua=mailto:' + dmarc_mail
for wild, dmarc_okay in enumerate(dmarc_okays):
for dns_record in dns_records:
if dns_record['type'] != 'TXT' or dns_record['name'] != '_dmarc.'+('*.'*wild)+zone_name:
if dns_record['content'] == dmarc_value:
dmarc_okay = True
dmarc_okay = True
new_record = {
'id': dns_record['id'],
'name': dns_record['name'],
'type': dns_record['type'],
'content': dmarc_value,
zone_id, dns_record['id'], data=new_record)
if not dmarc_okay:
new_record: Dict[str, str] = {
'name': '_dmarc.'+('*.'*wild)+zone_name,
'type': 'TXT',
'content': dmarc_value,
cf.zones.dns_records.post(zone_id, data=new_record)
# print(dmarc_value)
# SPF records
spf_okays = [False, False]
spf_value = 'v=spf1 ip4:'+ip4+' ip6:'+ip6+' a mx -all'
for wild, spf_okay in enumerate(spf_okays):
for dns_record in dns_records:
if dns_record['type'] != 'TXT' or dns_record['name'] != ('*.'*wild)+zone_name:
if dns_record['content'] == spf_value:
spf_okay = True
spf_okay = True
new_record = {
'id': dns_record['id'],
'name': dns_record['name'],
'type': dns_record['type'],
'content': spf_value,
zone_id, dns_record['id'], data=new_record)
if not spf_okay:
new_record: Dict[str, str] = {
'name': ('*.'*wild)+zone_name,
'type': 'TXT',
'content': spf_value,
cf.zones.dns_records.post(zone_id, data=new_record)
# MX records
mx_okays = [False, False]
for dns_record in dns_records:
if dns_record['type'] != 'MX':
if dns_record['name'] not in [zone_name, '*.'+zone_name]:
cf.zones.dns_records.delete(zone_id, dns_record['id'])
mx_okays[int(dns_record['name'].startswith('*.'))] = True
if dns_record['content'] == zone_name:
new_record = {
'id': dns_record['id'],
'name': dns_record['name'],
'type': dns_record['type'],
'priority': 1,
'content': zone_name,
zone_id, dns_record['id'], data=new_record)
for wild, is_okay in enumerate(mx_okays):
wild = bool(wild)
if not is_okay:
new_record: Dict[str, str] = {
'name': (int(wild)*'*.')+zone_name,
'type': 'MX',
'priority': 1,
'content': zone_name,
cf.zones.dns_records.post(zone_id, data=new_record)