
65 lines
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# optional - Specify the rule archive
# Default: latest
# Run `npx achecker archives` for a list of valid ruleArchive ids and policy ids
ruleArchive: latest
# optional - Specify one or many policies to scan.
# i.e. For one policy use policies: IBM_Accessibility
# i.e. Multiple policies: IBM_Accessibility,IBM_Accessibility_BETA
# Run `npx achecker archives` for a list of valid ruleArchive ids and policy ids
- IBM_Accessibility
- WCAG_2_1
- WCAG_2_0
# optional - Specify one or many violation levels on which to fail the test
# i.e. If specified violation then the testcase will only fail if
# a violation is found during the scan.
# i.e. failLevels: violation
# i.e. failLevels: violation,potential violation or refer to below as a list
# Default: violation, potentialviolation
- violation
- potentialviolation
# optional - Specify one or many violation levels which should be reported
# i.e. If specified violation then in the report it would only contain
# results which are level of violation.
# i.e. reportLevels: violation
# Valid values: violation, potentialviolation, recommendation, potentialrecommendation, manual
# Default: violation, potentialviolation
- violation
- potentialviolation
- recommendation
- potentialrecommendation
- manual
- pass
# Optional - In which fornats should the results be output
# Valid values: json, csv, html
# Default: json
- json
# Optional - Specify labels that you would like associated to your scan
# i.e.
# label: Firefox,master,V12,Linux
# label:
# - Firefox
# - master
# - V12
# - Linux
# Default: N/A
- master
# optional - Where the scan results should be saved.
# Default: results
outputFolder: achecker_results
# optional - Where the baseline results should be loaded from
# Default: baselines
baselineFolder: baselines